Și perspective

The Y Organizes Drive to Aid Homeless Mothers
The Y invited the community to help fellow New Yorkers by contributing to a collection benefitting Siena...
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Cu Trecerea Ritei Rosenthal, Y-ul pierde un membru al familiei iubit
Ieri am pierdut un membru drag și iubit al familiei Y, Rita Rosenthal. In ea 108 years she held...
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Precision Irish Dancers Step in Time for CALW Cultural Program
Hands were clapping when the New York School of Irish Step Dance performed for the Center for Adults...
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A Community Coming Together for Thanksgiving
On Tuesday, noiembrie 20, the Center for Adults Living Well @ the Y staff were grateful to have had the...
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Behind the NYT Neediest Cases Article: Overcoming Trauma Through a Supporting Community
Last week The New York Times published a moving article about Y member and Wien House resident Yana...
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Bigs in Blue: The Y Partners with Big Brothers Big Sisters and the NYPD
Last week the Y was thrilled to launch Bigs in Blue -- a partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters of...
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In Response to the Tragedy in Pittsburgh
The board of directors, staff, and members of the YM&YWHA din Washington Heights & Inwood express...
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Introducing Table for You! with PJ Library
Washington Heights and Inwood families raising Jewish children now have more opportunities to participate...
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Strengthening Camp Twelve Trails' Jewish Identity From the Ground Up
This summer Camp Twelve Trails, the Y’s day camp for children 5-16 years old in Pearl River, launches...
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Creating a Culture of Service at Columbia Secondary School
In the fourth year of the Y’s SONYC program at Columbia Secondary School, we’ve rallied our program...
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Finding Our Story in the Passover Story
One of the most ironic aspects of the Passover Seder is the supposedly simple command of Passover: retelling...
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Drive to Aid Hurricane Maria Victims in Puerto Rico
Upper Manhattan Jewish Community Rallies to Provide Needed Supplies Following Hurricane Maria’s devastating...
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Hudson Cliffs Baseball League and Sports for Youth Transforms Lives
Last year, the parent of a former Hudson Cliffs Baseball League player and a Camp Twelve Trails camper,...
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The Y Partners with The New York Times Neediest Cases Fund to Keep One Man Connected
Pentru 106 years The New York Times Neediest Cases Fund has provided direct assistance to those who are...
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The Endurance of the Festival of Lights
Hanukkah is considered one of the top three most observed Jewish holidays in the United States. Yet,...
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Budding Green Thumbs: Gardening at the Y Nursery School
Have you ever seen preschoolers in a garden? At that age, it is a truly magical time of exploration...
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Birth of Be Baby: Discovery Zone
At the Y, we love to welcome neighbors of all ages – from expectant families with babies on the way,...
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The Y's Kitchen is Back in Business
In order to meet the needs of our patrons, last year the Y began renovations on our kitchen and auditorium....
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The Heart of Rosh Hashanah
What is at the core of Rosh Hashanah? Yes, it is one of the most widespread Jewish holidays celebrated...
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Our Thanks to Clifford Alarcon for Twenty-Five Years of Service
Twenty years ago when gang violence and drugs were running rampant through Washington Heights, one young...
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An Enriching Summer for Campers of All Abilities
Camp Twelve Trails’ inclusion program focuses on meeting the needs of all our campers by providing a...
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