APON Perspectives at YM&SÍ

La Y está lanzando la Red de Divulgación para el Envejecimiento en el Lugar

Upper Manhattan es el hogar de miles de adultos mayores y sobrevivientes del Holocausto. Many of them are struggling with trauma, inseguridad alimentaria, inaccessible medical care, household chores, and other challenges.

The Y is dedicated to caring for the health and wellbeing of our older neighbors, y seguimos brindándoles:
• Nourishing meals
• Stimulating classes, activities, and field trips
• Holiday celebrations and commemorative events
• Acceso a servicios sociales
• Transportation to medical appointments
• Tareas domésticas ligeras para quienes son demasiado frágiles para manejarlas por sí mismas
• And other critical services

Your generosity makes all this happen and more. That’s why your donation is essential.

Continuing services for local older adults is so important that a group of donors is matching contributions up to $5,000 till tomorrow.

Donate now to double your impact!

As more older adults seek to age in place, the Y is expanding critical support for vulnerable older adults in our community to live out their lives with dignity.

With the generous support of the Fan Fox & Leslie R. Samuels Foundation, the Y is launching the Aging in Place Outreach Network (APON) to build a network of local community members who will be trained to recognize signs that their older neighbors could use additional help or need assistance at home.

Upon referral, the Y will provide a thorough psychological assessment, crisis intervention, and trauma-informed care. The Y may also complete a safety audit on an apartment to limit falls, help recover lost benefits after a spouse passes away, provide transportation to and from medical appointments, or deliver emergency meals.

The Y is committed to enhancing the lives of people of all ages and backgrounds in our community. Con 29% of older adults in Washington Heights and Inwood living below the poverty line, your donation today can help the Y continue to be a lifeline for our vulnerable neighbors.

Donate now to make a difference and have your contribution matched dollar for dollar. Gracias a nuestros generosos donantes y patrocinadores, somos capaces de cuidar a los más vulnerables de nuestra comunidad. We sincerely appreciate any amount you are able to give.

Sobre la Y
Establecido en 1917, el YM&YWHA de Washington Heights & En madera (ellos) es el principal centro comunitario judío del norte de Manhattan, que atiende a un grupo étnico y socioeconómico diverso, mejorando la calidad de vida de personas de todas las edades a través de servicios sociales críticos y programas innovadores en salud., bienestar, educación, y justicia social, mientras promueve la diversidad y la inclusión, y cuidando a los necesitados.

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