With the Y’s monthly giving program, you make a difference, every single month.
Your monthly gift can help provide:
By giving monthly, you invest what makes sense for you and make an incredible impact over the course of time.
Monthly gifts enable us to strategically invest in specific areas of our work and expand our programs, because we know we have ongoing support.
You’ll receive exclusive updates, photos, and videos about the Y’s work and your impact!
Make a one-time donation to support the Y’s critical programs.
The Y has a variety of volunteer opportunities for uptowners to make a difference, welcoming people of all backgrounds to support the Y’s wide range of services and programs.
Bequests greatly enhance and enrich the programs that the Y offers and also provide funding for capital projects.
You can make a lasting difference with a planned gift. By tailoring your gift to your own financial and estate planning needs, you can maximize the value of your charitable donation and still realize personal, financial, and tax benefits.
The Y has a number of scholarship and memorial funds:
The Dorothy & Elihu Englisher Memorial Scholarship Fund
In memory of the parents of our chief executive officer, the fund provides children enrolled in the Y Nursery School with scholarship assistance.
Sidney Offerman and Victoria Offerman Kursch Memorial Scholarship Fund
Created in 1975 by the Offerman family in memory of our past president, this fund provides families with scholarships to our summer day camps.
Morris A. Weil Scholarship Fund
Established in memory of a late founding Board member, the fund aids Nursery School children.
Pearl Marcus Memorial Fund
Established in memory of our late assistant executive director.
Judge David C. Lewis Fund
Established in memory of a founding Y board member, this fund supports capital improvements in the Y facility.
For more information about Monthly Giving, Planned Giving & Endowments, Scholarships, and Memorial Funds, please contact Y Chief Development and Social Services Officer Victoria Neznansky at vneznansky@ywashhts.org or 212-569-6200, ext. 204.
Please email Victoria Neznansky at vneznansky@ywhi.org.
Together, we can improve the quality of life for people of all ages in Northern Manhattan.
YM&YWHA of Washington Heights Inwood
54 Nagle Avenue
New York, NY 10040
Tel: 212-569-6200
Fax: 212-567-5915
Billing: billing@ywhi.org
Hours of Operation:
Sunday 9 AM–5 PM
Monday 7:30 AM–9:30 PM
Tuesday 7:30 AM–9:30 PM
Wednesday 7:30 AM–9:30 PM
Thursday 7:30 AM–9:30 PM
Friday 7:30 AM–5 PM
Saturday Closed