Workforce Development Center - Adults

Thank you for your interest in The YM & YWHA of Washington Heights and Inwood Workforce Development Center!​

The Y was established in 1917 and has been a pillar of the Washington Heights & Inwood communities. The Y offers multi-generational support that includes nursery school, after school programming along with Senior Services.
The Y has a new Workforce Development Center, serving those 18 + years old, and is offering free certificates training, career readiness and referrals to employment for those in the community.  

Please complete the forms below to apply for our free healthcare trainings:

Our Team:

Rashida Reed-Gordon
Johanna Moncion


Fort Washington Collegiate Campus –

729 West 181st Street, NY NY 10033

(929) 595-7011

IG: ymywha_workforcecenter