APON Perspectives at YM&YWHA

The Y is Launching the Aging in Place Outreach Network

Upper Manhattan is home to thousands of older adults and Holocaust survivors. Many of them are struggling with trauma, 糧食唔安全, 無法獲得醫療服務, 家務, 同其他挑戰.

The Y is dedicated to caring for the health and wellbeing of our older neighbors, and we continue to provide them with:
• Nourishing meals
• Stimulating classes, activities, and field trips
• Holiday celebrations and commemorative events
• Access to social services
• Transportation to medical appointments
• Light housekeeping for those too frail to handle it themselves
• And other critical services

Your generosity makes all this happen and more. That’s why your donation is essential.

Continuing services for local older adults is so important that a group of donors is matching contributions up to $5,000 till tomorrow.

Donate now to double your impact!

隨著越嚟越多嘅老年人尋求就地養老, the Y is expanding critical support for vulnerable older adults in our community to live out their lives with dignity.

With the generous support of the Fan Fox & Leslie R. Samuels Foundation, the Y is launching the Aging in Place Outreach Network (APON) to build a network of local community members who will be trained to recognize signs that their older neighbors could use additional help or need assistance at home.

Upon referral, the Y will provide a thorough psychological assessment, crisis intervention, and trauma-informed care. The Y may also complete a safety audit on an apartment to limit falls, help recover lost benefits after a spouse passes away, provide transportation to and from medical appointments, or deliver emergency meals.

Y致力於改善我哋社區中所有年齡同背景嘅啲人嘅生活. 同 29% 華盛頓高地同英伍德生活喺貧睏綫以下嘅老年人, 您的捐款 today can help the Y continue to be a lifeline for our vulnerable neighbors.

Donate now to make a difference and have your contribution matched dollar for dollar. Because of our generous donors and funders, we are able to care for the most vulnerable in our community. We sincerely appreciate any amount you are able to give.

建立於 1917, Ym&華盛頓高地嘅尤哈 & 恩伍德 (Y) 係曼哈頓北部首屈一指嘅猶太社區中心-服務於一個種族和社會經濟多樣化嘅選區-透過關鍵嘅社會服務同創新嘅健康計劃改善所有年齡段嘅人嘅生活質素-, 健康, 教育, 同社會正義, 同時促進多樣性和包容性, 照顧那些需要幫助嘅人.

