Australian Consulate Rugby Be Me at YM&BAI

Be Me Ongi etorri Australiako Kontsul Nagusiari

Play Rugby USA Arranged the Visit to the Y’s After School Program

Last week the Y’s Be Me: After School Program was treated to a visit by the Australian Government! That’s right, Nick Minchin, the Consul-General of Australia in New York stopped by the Y’s gymnasium to check out Be Me’s successful flag rugby program.

Given Australia’s affinity for rugbyConsul-General Minchin was interested to check out how the game has spread throughout the US. While he’d been toPlay Rugby USA tournaments, he wanted the opportunity to see how after school programs were run, which brought him to the Y! Since September of 2015,Izan zaitez ni has partnered with Play Rugby to provide weekly flag rugby instruction to 3rd, 4th, eta 5th graders in our after school program.

After Mr. Minchin observed flag rugby practice — flag rugby is a contact-free version of the sport — the students had the chance to ask him questions. They asked about Australia’s government and what the Consul-General does in his job. They were particularly eager to learn about the types of animals that inhabit Australia and if our guest had ever seen a kangaroo.

We thank Mr. Minchin for visiting our rugby program and look forward to future visits!

Nick Minchin, the Consul-General of Australia in New York, stops by to observe Be Me's rugby practice with Play Rugby USA

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Urtean sortua 1917, YM&Washington Heights-eko YWHA & Inwood (haiek) Northern Manhattan-eko judu komunitate nagusia da - etnikoki eta sozioekonomikoki askotariko barrutiak eskaintzen dituena - adin guztietako pertsonen bizi kalitatea hobetzen du gizarte zerbitzu kritikoen eta osasun programa berritzaileen bidez., ongizatea, hezkuntza, eta justizia soziala, aniztasuna eta inklusioa sustatzen duten bitartean, eta beharra dutenei arreta ematea.

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