CALW Seder 2022 di YM&YÉH

CALW @ the Y Seder Returns

Dinten Rebo, April 6, 2022, the Y held a model Passover seder for Holocaust survivors and other older adults at its Center for Adults Living Well at the Y.

For the first time in three years, we were thrilled to celebrate liberation and freedom together again in person at this beloved annual event.

We were especially moved by the group of Russian-speaking Holocaust survivors who were able to participate in Russian.

May next year’s seder be celebrated in peace!

Ngeunaan Y
Didirikeun di 1917, anu YM&YWHA ti Washington Heights & Inwood (anu Y) mangrupikeun pusat komunitas Yahudi utama Manhattan Kalér - ngalayanan konstituén anu béda-béda étnis sareng sosio-ékonomis - ningkatkeun kualitas kahirupan pikeun jalma-jalma tina sagala umur ngalangkungan jasa sosial kritis sareng program inovatif dina kaséhatan., kasehatan, atikan, jeung kaadilan sosial, bari promosi diversity jeung inklusi, jeung miara anu merlukeun.

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