
The Y is proud to offer extraordinary summer and vacation camp experiences.

пешачке стазе
Nursery Camp (старости 2 - 5)

Верујемо да би лето требало да буде радосно време када се деца могу играти и истраживати свет око себе на топлом, добродошлице, и разнолику заједницу ученика.
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Камп дванаест стаза
(старости 5 - 16)

The essence of Camp Twelve Trails is our dedication to universally shared values central to Jewish life. Our proactive integration of these values into everything we do supports children of all backgrounds and helps them grow into better people.
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Летњи камп

Part of Camp Twelve Trails’ mission is to offer an inclusive environment that caters to the needs of each child.
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Вацатион Цамп

Whether single days off, or full-week breaks, when school is out, the Y has you covered with our school’s out vacation camp program.
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