Հետիոտնային ուղիներ: A Stimulating Adventure!

At Footpaths Nursery Camp, we believe that summer should be a joyous time when children can play and explore the world around them within a warm, ողջունելով, և սովորողների բազմազան համայնք.

Campers spend their summer days engaging in developmentally appropriate and enriching activities, encouraging them to play, explore, grow, create, and discover.

Our daily schedule includes open and structured activities; Sunday Funday-ը անվճար սոցիալական և հանգստի ծրագիր է տարիքի երեխաների համար, science, երաժշտություն, gardening and sprinkler fun on our newly renovated rooftop playground. Swim instruction is available for children born in 2019 և 2020.

Campers enjoy the amenities of our air-conditioned classrooms, rooftop garden, and full-sized gymnasium, and are led by a trained professional staff of early childhood educators.

Extended day and transportation options are available.

Summer 2024


Full summerJune 27th – August 15th

Half summer 1:  June 27th – July 26th

Half summer 2:  July 29th – August 15th

Register before January 31st for an Early Bird Discount of $200 for full summer or $100 for half summer!

Register before April 19th for an Early Bird Discount of $100 for full summer or $50 for half summer!

Applications are available for summer 2024. Սեղմեք այստեղ for application and more information.

nursery at YM&ԱՅՈ

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Վաղ մանկության ծառայության տնօրեն
Լաուրա Սանչես
Վաղ մանկության ծառայությունների գծով տնօրենի օգնական
212-569-6200 x274