YM&Washington Heights-eko YWHA & Inwood

Celebrate Health Every Day!

Welcome to the Center for Adults Living Well @ the Y, where we CELEBRATE HEALTH every day with members who are ages 60 and better. On March 12, 2013, we performed a surprise flash mob in the middle of a health fair featuring local health professionals and organized by Columbia nursing students. Choreographers included ballroom dance instructor Andres Santiago and Zumba instructor Eve Cedillo. Check our calendar for the latest listings of SHALL WE DANCE with Andres or ZUMBA with Eve.

Y-ri buruz
Urtean sortua 1917, YM&Washington Heights-eko YWHA & Inwood (haiek) Northern Manhattan-eko judu komunitate nagusia da - etnikoki eta sozioekonomikoki askotariko barrutiak eskaintzen dituena - adin guztietako pertsonen bizi kalitatea hobetzen du gizarte zerbitzu kritikoen eta osasun programa berritzaileen bidez., ongizatea, hezkuntza, eta justizia soziala, aniztasuna eta inklusioa sustatzen duten bitartean, eta beharra dutenei arreta ematea.

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