YM&YWHA de Washington Heights & Inwood

Celebrating Decades of Service From Our Staff

Este mes, we celebrated the accomplishments of two of our most beloved and long-standing staff members. Deborah Katznelson, our Chief Social Services Officer here at the Y, has been with us for 30 anos. Pedro Hernandez, our Building Superintendent, has been at the Y for 40 anos. Deborah and Pedro were both presented with citations on behalf of city council man Robert Jackson. Click the link below to read more about these beloved members of our staff, and to read words from our Executive Director Martin Englisher.


Sobre o Y
Establecida en 1917, o YM&YWHA de Washington Heights & Inwood (o Y) é o principal centro comunitario xudeu do norte de Manhattan, que atende a unha circunscrición diversa étnica e socioeconómicamente, mellora a calidade de vida de persoas de todas as idades mediante servizos sociais críticos e programas innovadores de saúde., benestar, educación, e xustiza social, ao tempo que promove a diversidade e a inclusión, e coidar dos necesitados.

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