sukkot at YM&YWHA

Celebrating the Sukkot Holiday

On Sunday October 4th, the Y’s Building Bridges: Interfaith Family Program hosted a holiday event for the entire community. We took a multi-generational approach to teaching fun aspects of the holiday in a very hands-on manner. Grandparents, adult children, and grandchildren came together to celebrate with other families.

Everyone learned about the holiday of Sukkot with the reading of PJ library books. We then passed around a realarba minim (four species) set for everyone to hold. The four species are the special plants that are bundled together and waved on the holiday, consisting of the branches of a plam tree, willow tree, and myrtle, as well as the citron fruit, илиetrog.

Families built personal mini sukkah dwellings, representing the temporary dwellings we construct for the week-long holiday.

We thank everyone for coming out to this special holiday event. Please stay tuned as we will be announcing Building Bridges holiday events throughout the year for the entire community!

Создан в 1917, они м&YWHA Вашингтонских высот & Inwood (Они) главный еврейский общинный центр Северного Манхэттена, обслуживающий этнически и социально-экономически разнообразную группу населения, улучшающий качество жизни людей всех возрастов с помощью важнейших социальных услуг и инновационных программ в области здравоохранения., благополучие, образование, и социальная справедливость, продвигая разнообразие и инклюзивность, и забота о нуждающихся.

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