Pusat Orang Dewasa Hidup dengan Baik

The Center for Adults Living Well (CALW) funded by the New York Department for the Aging is a vibrant hub of activity and support for older adults ages 60+, offering a wide array of programs and services designed to promote physical, mental, and social well-being. With a focus on healthy aging, CALW provides daily congregate meals, diverse exercise classes, health education workshops, and engaging activities that stimulate the mind and foster a sense of community.

CALW also addresses the cultural diversity of the neighborhood by celebrating various traditions and offering programs that bridge language and cultural barriers.

We offer transportation, makanan, educational and recreational activities , exciting trips, celebrations and more.

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semua program di laman Y digantung buat sementara waktu
semua program di laman Y digantung buat sementara waktu
212-569-6200 semua program di laman Y digantung buat sementara waktu