IY&YTE of Washington Heights & Dausiga mai vale

Children and the Arts

Children are a treasure, a blank canvas open to all possibilities.As an artist, as their art teacher, I have to preserve their imagination, their vision of the world. The more they know and learn, the more challenging their art work will be. For some children, it can be intimidating, for others, a great motivation. Each child has his unique way of expression and this natural gift should be encouraged and celebrated.I am giving these children the opportunity to explore many techniques (tempera, crayola, watercolor, color pencil, charcoal, printing, kei na so tale), and also all kinds of textures such as papers, fabrics and objects. Kids love to build and work in 3 dimensions. In our art classes at the Kids Connection After School Program we do plenty of craft, cutting, gluing, beading and folding. I’m teaching them some basic skills like drawing the human body, animals, perspective and composition.  We also explore the theory of colors and all their possibilities. Again, I will make sure that this information don’t block their creative freedom. I encourage them to tell stories, to think about what they like, who they are, and share ideas with their friends. We also talk everyday about respecting each otherhelping each other and take good care of the material. Ultimately, I’m trying to create 45 minutes of fun and learning at the same time. After a long day at school, children are tired and need to wind down. Art is necessary to their growth and well beingit is complementary to all academics skills.Picasso was a great master because he was able to paint like a child. Let’s all think about this.

By Sylvie Muller

Rauta na Y
Tauyavutaki ena 1917, na VM&YTE of Washington Heights & Dausiga mai vale (na IY) e itikotiko levu duadua ni Jiu ena Vualiku kei Manhattan — na veiqaravi ena dua na vanua duidui ena nodra vanua kei na bula vakailavo — vakavinakataka cake na ivakarau ni bula vei ira na tamata ena veitabayabaki kece mai na veiqaravi bibi ni veimaliwai kei na parokaramu veivakaukauwataki ni tiko bulabula, bula vinaka, vuli, kei na lewa dodonu vakatamata, ena kena vakatorocaketaki na veimataqali duidui kei na kena vakatayagataki, kei na nodra vukei o ira era vakaleqai tu.

Wasea ena Veimaliwai se Imeli

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IY&YTE of Washington Heights & Dausiga mai vale

Children and the Arts

Children are a treasure, a blank canvas open to all possibilities.As an artist, as their art teacher, I have to preserve their imagination, their vision of the world. The more

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