Y COO Michael Fermaglich Receives The Brooke Jackman Foundation Brookster Award at YM&IVA

Congratulations, Michael!

Congratulations! On behalf of the Y’s Board, staff, and our entire community, we applaud Y Chief Operating Officer Michael Fermaglich for receiving The Brookster Award at the Brooke Jackman Foundation’s 20th Anniversary Benefit!

Watch the tributes to Michael and his acceptance:

Michael was recognized for his enormous impact on the Brooke Jackman Foundation’s programs. In addition, he launched the Y’s literacy program and has been dedicated to ensuring its excellence ever since. Thank you for making a difference, Michael!

Congratulations to the Brooke Jackman Foundation for an extraordinary 20 years of service to the community. The Brooke Jackman Foundation was founded in October 2001, after the 9/11 World Trade Center attack claimed the life of Brooke Jackman at the age of 23. Its mission is to create and support programs enhancing the literacy and self-esteem of disadvantaged children and their families in and around the New York area.

Learn more about the Brooke Jackman Foundation athttps://brookejackmanfoundation.org/.

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Y COO Michael Fermaglich Receives The Brooke Jackman Foundation Brookster Award at YM&IVA

Congratulations, Michael!

Congratulations! On behalf of the Y’s Board, staff, and our entire community, we applaud Y Chief Operating Officer Michael Fermaglich for receiving The Brookster Award

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