YM&YWHA ti Washington Heights & Inwood

Continue to Remember

Our Partners in CaringSurvivor Interview Serieswas a huge success. Thank you to all those who came to the special 75th Anniversary of Kristallnacht -the Night of Broken Glass services at the Hebrew Tabernacle to honor our community members who have experienced the terrible darkness of the Holocaust. The “Survivor Interview Serieswill be on display at the Hebrew Tabernacle exhibit“Ngalaman Waktos Perang sareng Langkung: Potret Salamet Holocaust Berjiwa”. Pikeun jam buka galeri atawa pikeun inpo nu salajengna mangga nelepon sinagoga di212-568-8304  atawa ningaliHTTP://WWW.HEBREWTABERNACLE.ORG

Partners in Caring has decided to extend this important interview project to the entire Washington Heights community. Please check back soon for updates on this critical initiative.

Ngeunaan Y
Didirikeun di 1917, anu YM&YWHA ti Washington Heights & Inwood (anu Y) mangrupikeun pusat komunitas Yahudi utama Manhattan Kalér - ngalayanan konstituén anu béda-béda étnis sareng sosio-ékonomis - ningkatkeun kualitas kahirupan pikeun jalma-jalma tina sagala umur ngalangkungan jasa sosial kritis sareng program inovatif dina kaséhatan., kasehatan, atikan, jeung kaadilan sosial, bari promosi diversity jeung inklusi, jeung miara anu merlukeun.

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YM&YWHA ti Washington Heights & Inwood

Continue to Remember

Our Partners in CaringSurvivor Interview Serieswas a huge success. Thank you to all those who came to the special 75th Anniversary of Kristallnacht -the

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