Drum roll, please . . .

We’re thrilled to share the brand new logo of the Y’s Norman E. Centro Alexander para a vida xudía!

O Y's Norman E. Alexander Center for Jewish Life supports and engages people of all backgrounds and life-stages throughout their personal Jewish journeys. Proudly partnering with local institutions, the Center serves as Northern Manhattan’s hub of Jewish life, bringing together our community to explore Judaism and Israel through thought, experiential programs, social action, and fun.

Sobre o Y
Establecida en 1917, o YM&YWHA de Washington Heights & Inwood (o Y) é o principal centro comunitario xudeu do norte de Manhattan, que atende a unha circunscrición diversa étnica e socioeconómicamente, mellora a calidade de vida de persoas de todas as idades mediante servizos sociais críticos e programas innovadores de saúde., benestar, educación, e xustiza social, ao tempo que promove a diversidade e a inclusión, e coidar dos necesitados.

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