Te mau mea rii tumu (mau matahiti 5-11)


The Y offers children ages 5 ia 11 a wide variety of programs. From after-school to family literacy programs, sports, holiday camps, and even our amazing summer day camp, there is a place for everyone in our elementary programs!

Our programs are values-based and inclusive of participants of different abilities. Their goal is to build communities while, at the same time, empowering all participants to be the best versions of themselves.

Focusing on a wide range of enrichment themes, including sports, the arts, STEM, te iteraa i te tai'o, environmental education, e (depending on the program) homework support, allows our superstars to seamlessly go from gymnastics, soccer, or dancing, to working in our garden, rehearsing a play, cooking fun recipes, reading awesome books, and even coding apps and designing robots.

We also strive to create a sense of community among our staff, all of whom go through extensive clearances and training in order to provide our youth with a fun, engaging, and safe experience.

We understand how important childcare is for working families in our community and take that responsibility very seriously.

Ia riro vau mai ia'u
After-School Program

A community-oriented after-school program open to students of all backgrounds in grades K-5.
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Y SONYC After-School Program at Harbor Heights Middle School

A New York City Department of Youth and Community Development funded program that serves 90% middle-school students, most of whom are recent arrivals from the Dominican Republic and other Spanish-speaking countries.
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After-School Program at Columbia Secondary School

A well-rounded program to middle school students during its afterschool hours.
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Te haapiiraa i te tai'o e te papa'iraa utuafare

The Y offers a Family Literacy program from children ages 5-10 and their parents and guardians.
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Hudson Cliffs Baseball League

Te Totaiete o te mau pereoo uō no Hudson (HCBL) e faanahoraa amui no te mau tamarii no te mau matahiti 3 ia 12 te mau faito aravihi atoa o te faatupu i te aravihi i roto i te feia apî a faahoa noa ai ratou.
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Te faaôraa:

Ua fafau te MDT ia faatupu i te mau vahi atoa i roto i ta tatou faanahoraa haapiiraa, Hudson Cliffs Baseball League, e te puhaparaa no te tau ve'ave'a.
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REO Ïa e vai ra i roto i te: Mahana Arearea i te sabati

Te hoê faanahoraa faaanaanataeraa tamoni ore na te mau tamarii matahiti 5-16 e ma'i hiparoto (autism) o te ore e farii nei i te mau tautururaa tei aufauhia e te piha toro'a no te mau taata e te mau fifi i te pae no te tupuraa (OPSD).
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no ta tatou mau parau apî e mau ohipa hopea roa a'e