Ընտանեկան գրագիտություն

Through generous funding from the Բրուկ Ջեքման հիմնադրամ, the Y offers family literacy programming for children ages 5-10. This program supports developing literacy skills in young learners while also fostering a lifelong love of reading.


Այս տարի, we are offering this program at the Y twice weekly for children and their caregivers through a hybrid model: Tuesdays in-person socially distanced and Thursdays over Zoom. The program is free of charge and includes snacks, book giveaways, interactive read-alouds, games, arts and crafts, and a quarterly showcase/special activity with hot dinner for the entire family. For information on how to register, contact Emma Sprecher at esprecher@ywhi.org.

At Partner Schools

In partnership with local schools, we provide our free Family Literacy program once weekly afterschool for Kindergarten and 1st Grade students. Sessions are led by classroom teachers hired by the Y and supported by Y group leaders. The program is free of charge and includes snacks, book giveaways, interactive read-alouds, games, arts and crafts, եւ ավելին! This school year, the Y’s Family Literacy program is running at Dos Puentes, PS 125, and PS 278. For information on participating in this program or how to partner with the Y to bring this program to your school, contact Emma Sprecher at esprecher@ywhi.org.


On behalf of the Y’s Board, staff, and entire community, we applaud Y Chief Operating Officer Michael Fermaglich for receiving The Brookster Award at the Brooke Jackman Foundation’s 20th Anniversary Benefit!

Մեր թիմը

Էմմա խոսնակ
Տարրական հետդպրոցական ծրագրերի տնօրեն
212-569-6200 x272

Միացեք մեզ

Աշխատեք Y- ի համար. Տարբերություն մտցրեք.


մեր վերջին նորությունների և իրադարձությունների համար

Սպասվող իրադարձություններ