YM&YWHA ti Washington Heights & Inwood

#GivingSelasa: Help us Make a Difference

When you or a family member is in need of the best child care, social services or for wellness and health programs, where do you turn? If you’re like most in our community, you join the Y family.


Because you know you will receive the best services and meet new friends. And you also know that you’ll be part of a diverse, compassionate and active community. Your contributions have helped make our Y the innovative vibrant center that we are today. We are so grateful to you for supporting our mission and our programs. Thanks to you, our services have touched the lives of thousands – whether by providing hot nutritious meal, caring for a child with disabilities, fostering independence and creativity in young minds, offering financial help to those who are vulnerable and in urgent need; supporting the elderly to live in dignity in their homes or by improving quality of life. The Y is your community.

We rely heavily on government grants and private donations, and now more than ever the Y counts on your support. Your gift of $100, $200, $1,000 or any other amount can make all the difference to our programs and what we can provide. And if you’d like, you can designate your gift to a particular department or program – Scholarships for Children, Programs for Children with Special Needs, Literacy Programs, Pusat pikeun Dewasa Hirup Saé (serving those 60 tur hadé), New Parenting Center, Early Childhood Education, Be Me After School Program, Jewish Education, Summer Camps, Middle School and High School Programs, College Prep, Pakasaban Pamuda Usum Panas, wherever you choose. As the community grows and advances, your community center is committed to staying at the cutting edge – for you, for your loved ones, for every person in the community. Please help to make this possible with your contribution.

Click here to donate. Thank you so much for your help.

Sincerely,Martin G. Inggris, CEO and Executive Vice President

Ngeunaan Y
Didirikeun di 1917, anu YM&YWHA ti Washington Heights & Inwood (anu Y) mangrupikeun pusat komunitas Yahudi utama Manhattan Kalér - ngalayanan konstituén anu béda-béda étnis sareng sosio-ékonomis - ningkatkeun kualitas kahirupan pikeun jalma-jalma tina sagala umur ngalangkungan jasa sosial kritis sareng program inovatif dina kaséhatan., kasehatan, atikan, jeung kaadilan sosial, bari promosi diversity jeung inklusi, jeung miara anu merlukeun.

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