YM&YWHA ti Washington Heights & Inwood

Hannah’s Story

Dibarengan ku urang “Mitra dina miara” program dibiayaan ku UJA-Federation of New York, nu Y bakal nampilkeun wawancara ti genep salamet lokal pikeun hadé ngartos carita unggal individu urang. Wawancara ieu bakal dipidangkeun di galeri Ibrani Tabernacle “Ngalaman Waktos Perang sareng Langkung: Potret Salamet Holocaust Berjiwa”. Galeri bakal dibuka dina Jumaah 8 Nopémber.

Hannah Eisner worked at the Y for 18 taun, as an office manager for Project Hope and then as a program director in the senior center. She retired in 1987, but currently is the chair of the chesed committee, attends the Partner in Caring weekly discussion group, and on occasion teaches an origami class here at the Y once a week.

Hannah Eisner(patung Peter Bulow: www.peterbulow.com)

Hannah Eisner was born in Offenbach, Germany on November 12, 1924.  She grew up in Offenbach with both of her parents. Her father worked as the vice president of a Jewish owned private bank and her mother was a stay at home mom. After 1934, Jewish children were not allowed to go to public schools,   so they were taught by the Jewish teachers who were also not welcome in public schools. This is how the Jewish school in Offenbach came about. Hannah describes, “I did not feel so deprived. We had our own community.” She remembers that Jews were not allowed to go anywhere in town. There were signs outside movie theaters and businesses that said “Jews not wanted.” She explained the treatment of the Jews: “they were treated like nothings. Like vermin.”

Before Kristallnacht, the super intendant of the building that Hannah’s dad worked in asked him for a favor, which Hannah’s father was able to help with. , Hannah and her parents believe that the reason that her father was not taken to a concentration camp and that her apartment was not demolished was because the super intendant paid this favor back. He protected Hannah’s family. Hannah recalls, “I felt almost embarrassed when everyone else’s father was taken, but he was safe. Still, whenever the doorbell rang, one was afraid one would be taken away. One lived in utter fear.” Hannah remembers mostly how much fear she and her family lived in. She states that there was no justice for Jews.

There was a small Jewish population in Offenbach, and during Kristallnacht, almost all of the apartments were ransacked and the synagogue was set on fire. After Kristallnacht, Hannah remembers the devastation that took place and how it affected her and her community. She remembers getting ready to go to school the next day and being told by one of her classmates to go home because there is no school left. Later on, she and one of her friends walked to the school, “we looked into the broken windows, we saw it all black and burned.” Jewish businesses were greatly affected. Their stores were empty, and no gentile dared to go in. She also describes that her father was pushed out of his position at the bank as the bank was taken over by someone else who was not Jewish. “After Kristallnacht, we knew we had to get out if we could.”

After the events of Kristallnacht, Hannah and her family waited their number to be called in order to come to America. She feared that their number would not be called because the American consulate closed over the summer; kumaha oge, their number was called before the consulate closed. While waiting for their number to get called, Hannah and her family prepared for their journey by taking the little money that they had left and buying clothes so that when they reached America, they would have clothes and shoes. Hannah remembers that each day she waited to leave for America, she watched as the Jewish community shrunk.

One of Hannah’s most vivid memories involves her friend Lisel Strauss. When one would receive an affidavit to leave the country, often times the affidavit was not big enough to cover the whole family. The Strauss family did not have an affidavit that would cover all four of them. So the family split up. The father and younger sister, Ellen, went to American first. Lisel and her mother stayed behind with the hope that the father would soon be able to get an affidavit for the two of them. But Lisel and her mother never got out. Ellen married a man who was in the leather business, specifically handbags. The handbags that they made were called the Lisette, which was named after Lisel. (Hannah still has her original handbag, pictured above). 

Many of Hannah’s relatives perished in Nazi death camps. She had a cousin who was imprisoned in one of the camps. Her cousin found a boyfriend at the camp. The boyfriend had an opportunity to leave the camp, but he decided to stay with Hannah’s cousin. They both ended up being murdered in the camp together.

The Eisner’s came to America in April 1939. Hannah had relatives in New York who rented a room for her family for a short period of time. She remembers, “to my surprise, the freedom here, the abundance…after relatives had picked us up, they rented a room for us until our few belongings did come…they wanted me to buy things in the grocery store. So with my best English I went down and I said ‘can I have an egg or two?’ They said ‘whatWhy don’t you take a dozen?’ These were the surprises of an immigrant.” Hannah’s family would rent five bedroom apartments, which was bigger than what they needed in order to rent out rooms to other refugees who could not afford their own apartments. Hannah remembers, “I never had a room of my own. For a long, long time because we rented out two rooms. But I’m glad to be alive.” When they first arrived, Hannah’s father took a job as a door-to-door salesman. This was a tremendous step down from his position at the bank, but it was the only work he was able to get. Eventually, he was fortunate enough to get a job as a shipping clerk. Hannah’s mother worked very little from home; she stitched slippers together.

Hannah was 14 years old when she came to America. She attended junior high school and then George Washington High School. She was a bright student, but did not want to go to college because she would have to go to classes a night. After graduation, Hannah worked as a billing clerk in a slipper manufacturer.

Living through the devastation of Kristallnacht and the Holocaust affected Hannah in many ways throughout her life, but especially when it came to raising her children. She explains, “I was stricter with them because I felt that the others were killed and we survived so [my children] shouldn’t be so silly. So I was stricter on my boys, which I regret now.”

 “Hitler made me proud to be a Jew. Hitler made me Jewish.” Hannah was married in 1950 to an Austrian man that she met in America. She has two sons and three grandchildren. Her middle grandson was just accepted into the Israeli Army. She is tremendously proud ofhim.

Wawancara ieu dilakukeun ku Halley Goldberg tina inisiatif Y's Partners in Caring sareng milik YM.&YWHA of Washington Heights sareng Inwood. Pamakéan bahan ieu tanpa idin tinulis ti Y sareng anu diwawancara dilarang pisan. Pilarian langkung seueur ngeunaan program Mitra dina Caring Ieuh: http://ywashhts.org/partners-caring-0 

Ibrani Tabernacle urang Armin jeung Estelle Gold Wing Galeridina partnership reueus kalawananu YM&YWHA of Washington Heights sareng Inwoodngajak anjeun ka kamiNopémber / Désémber, 2013 Pameran“Ngalaman Waktos Perang sareng Langkung: Potret Salamet Holocaust Berjiwa” kalawan foto jeung patung ku: YAEL BEN-SION,  PETER BULOW jeung ROJ RODRIGUEZDina sambungan kalawan Service husus dina mémoritina75ulang taun Kristallnacht - Peuting Pegat KacaJasa sareng Resepsi Bubuka Artis, Jumaah, 8 Nopémber, 2013 7:30 p.m.

 Pernyataan ti Y :  ” Mangtaun-taun Washington Heights/Inwood Y parantos, sarta terus jadi, a Haven pikeun maranéhanana néangan ngungsi, hormat jeung pamahaman. Seueur anu lebet kana panto kami sareng ngiringan program kami parantos ngalaman ujian sareng kasangsaraan anu teu tiasa urang bayangkeun..  Pikeun sababaraha, anu bakal jadi bagian tina pameran ieu, salah sahiji horor sapertos anu dikenal ku dunya ngan saukur "The Holocaust" – pembunuhan sistematis genep juta urang Yahudi Éropa.

Urang di Y inget jaman baheula, ngahormatan jalma-jalma anu hirup sareng maot dina waktos éta, jeung ngajaga bebeneran pikeun generasi nu bakal datang. Demi diri urang jeung anak urang, urang kedah ngawariskeun carita jalma-jalma anu ngalaman kajahatan perang. Aya palajaran pikeun masa depan.  Wawancara didokumentasikeun ku Halley Goldberg, a "Mitra dina miara" ngawas program.  Program penting ieu dimungkinkeun ku hibah berehan ti UJA-Federation of New York, dirancang pikeun ningkatkeun hubungan sareng sinagoga di Washington Heights sareng Inwood. “

Pameran seni gabungan kami gaduh potret sareng wawancara anu salamet tina Holocaust, Hannah Eisner, Charlie jeung Lilli Friedman, Mutiara Rosenzveig, Fredy Seidel jeung Ruth Wertheimer, sakabéh saha anggota The Hebrew Tabernacle, hiji jamaah Yahudi anu loba urang Yahudi Jérman kabur Nazi sarta cukup untung datang ka Amérika., ngagabung dina ahir 1930-an.  Salaku tambahan urang ogé bakal ngahargaan salamet Holocaust Gizelle Schwartz Bulow- indung seniman urang Peter Bulow sareng salamet WWII Yan Neznanskiy - bapa Kapala Program Program Y., Victoria Neznansky.

A Service Sabat husus, kalawan speaker, dina mémori tina ulang 75th of Kristallnacht (Peuting Pegat Kaca) miheulaan bubuka Galeri Emas / Y paméran:Palayanan dimimitian pas jam 7:30 pm. Sadayana diondang hadir.

Pikeun jam buka galeri atawa pikeun inpo nu salajengna mangga nelepon sinagoga di212-568-8304 atawa ningalihttp://www.hebrewtabernacle.orgPernyataan Artis: Yael Ben-Sionwww.yaelbenzion.comYael Ben-Zion lahir di Minneapolis, Bungbulang sareng digedékeun di Israél. Anjeunna lulusan Program Studi Umum Pusat Fotografi Internasional. Ben-Zion mangrupikeun panampi sababaraha hibah sareng panghargaan, panganyarna ti Yayasan Puffin sareng ti NoMAA, sareng karyana parantos dipamerkeun di Amérika Serikat sareng di Éropa. Anjeunna parantos nyebarkeun dua monograf karyana.  Anjeunna cicing di Washington Heights sareng salakina, jeung budak kembar maranéhanana.

Pernyataan Artis:  Peter Bulow: www.peterbulow.com

Indung kuring keur budak, kungsi nyumput salila Holocaust. Leuwih taun, pangalaman dirina, atanapi naon anu kuring bayangkeun janten pangalaman anjeunna, geus miboga pangaruh badag dina kuring. Pangaruh ieu dicerminkeun dina pribadi kuring sareng dina kahirupan artistik kuring. Abdi lahir di India, cicing salaku murangkalih di Berlin sareng hijrah ka AS sareng sepuh kuring nalika umurna 8.  Kuring boga Masters dina Seni Rupa dina patung. Abdi ogé nampi hibah anu bakal ngamungkinkeun kuring ngadamel sajumlah kawates parunggu anu salamet tina Holocaust..  Punten wartosan kuring upami anjeun resep janten bagian tina proyék ieu.

Pernyataan Artis :Roj Rodriguez: www.rojrodriguez.com

Awak karya kuring ngagambarkeun perjalanan kuring ti Houston, TX - dimana kuring lahir jeung digedékeun - ka New York - dimana, kakeunaan etnisna, diversity budaya jeung sosial ékonomi sarta pintonan unik na on imigran– Kuring manggihan hiji hormat renewed pikeun budaya dulur urang. Kuring geus magang jeung photographers well-ngadegkeun, ngumbara dunya sacara éksténsif sareng kolaborasi sareng seueur profésional luhur di lapangan. Ti Januari, 2006, Karir kuring salaku fotografer mandiri parantos janten prosés nyandak proyék fotografi pribadi anu muncul tina pamahaman kuring sorangan ngeunaan cara urang ngabagi dunya sareng ngalaksanakeun kréativitas urang sadayana.

Ngeunaan Y
Didirikeun di 1917, anu YM&YWHA ti Washington Heights & Inwood (anu Y) mangrupikeun pusat komunitas Yahudi utama Manhattan Kalér - ngalayanan konstituén anu béda-béda étnis sareng sosio-ékonomis - ningkatkeun kualitas kahirupan pikeun jalma-jalma tina sagala umur ngalangkungan jasa sosial kritis sareng program inovatif dina kaséhatan., kasehatan, atikan, jeung kaadilan sosial, bari promosi diversity jeung inklusi, jeung miara anu merlukeun.

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YM&YWHA ti Washington Heights & Inwood

Hannah’s Story

Dibarengan ku urang “Mitra dina miara” program dibiayaan ku UJA-Federation of New York, nu Y bakal Fitur wawancara ti genep salamet lokal pikeun

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