Passover at YM&JA

Happy and Healthy Passover!

On behalf of the Y’s leadership, we wish you all a very happy Passover and spring holidays.

As we face these unprecedented times, remember that we will face them together. Your Y family is here for you, and we will get through this and be even stronger.

There is still time to register for our interactive community Seder on Thursday, April 9, pri 6:00 PM. Vabljeni vsi.

Wishing you and your family a safe, healthy, and joyous holiday.

Ustanovljen v 1917, YM&YWHA Washington Heights & Inwood (Y) je glavno središče judovske skupnosti na severnem Manhattnu – ki služi etnično in socialno-ekonomsko raznoliki volilni enoti – izboljšuje kakovost življenja za ljudi vseh starosti s kritičnimi socialnimi storitvami in inovativnimi programi na področju zdravja, wellness, izobraževanje, in socialna pravičnost, hkrati pa spodbuja raznolikost in vključenost, in skrb za tiste v stiski.

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