Passover at YM&YWHAA

Happy and Healthy Passover!

On behalf of the Y’s leadership, we wish you all a very happy Passover and spring holidays.

As we face these unprecedented times, remember that we will face them together. Your Y family is here for you, and we will get through this and be even stronger.

There is still time to register for our interactive community Seder on Thursday, Eperera 9, i te 6:00 PM. E farii-poupou-hia te mau taata atoa.

Wishing you and your family a safe, healthy, and joyous holiday.

No ni'a i te TT
Haamauhia i roto i te 1917, te MTHE&MDT no Washington Heights & Ta'ita'i (te U) o te pû amuitahiraa Ati Iuda ïa no te Pae Apato'erau no Manhattan — te taviniraa i te hoê tuhaa fenua e i te pae moni— te haamaitairaa i te huru oraraa o te mau taata no te mau faito matahiti atoa na roto i te tahi mau ohipa sotiare faufaa e te mau faanahoraa apî i roto i te ea, te maitai, haapiiraa, e te parau-ti'a sotiare, a faaitoito ai i te rauraa e te faaôraa i te mau taa-ê-raa, e te atuaturaa i te feia nava'i ore.

Faaite i ni'a i te ohipa sotiare e aore râ te rata uira

Rata uira