Wien House Vaccines at YM&SÍ

Ayudando a los sobrevivientes del Holocausto y a los ancianos confinados a sus hogares

Ha pasado un año desde que nuestras vidas se volcaron abruptamente y, a través de todo, the Y has been a source of hope, fuerza, and care for our neighbors.

While many adults lost their jobs and students shifted to remote learning, the elderly became isolated and often unable to take care of their most basic necessities. The Y’s social workers and staff regularly reached out to check in on their wellbeing and address their needs — home healthcare, transporte a citas médicas, Centro para adultos que viven bien en la Y, social services, y apoyo emocional.

As soon as the COVID-19 vaccine was available to the elderly in our community, the Y sprang into actionhelping Holocaust survivors and local seniors get vaccinated, while the Wein House also became one of the first sites to administer the vaccine onsite to its residents.

The Y is committed to helping homebound older adults age in place with dignity — as we continue to connect people of all ages to critical support and vital resources.

Your gift helps make that happen. When you support the Y, you are literally helping save lives. Por favor donate hoy dia.

Thank you for your ongoing generosity and ensuring we can take care of our neighbors in need.

We wish you and your loved ones a very happy and healthy Passover, as we celebrate the freedom of our ancestors and hope for a free and just world for all.

Sobre la Y
Establecido en 1917, el YM&YWHA de Washington Heights & En madera (ellos) es el principal centro comunitario judío del norte de Manhattan, que atiende a un grupo étnico y socioeconómico diverso, mejorando la calidad de vida de personas de todas las edades a través de servicios sociales críticos y programas innovadores en salud., bienestar, educación, y justicia social, mientras promueve la diversidad y la inclusión, y cuidando a los necesitados.

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