Helping Families in Crisis at YM&YWHA

Helping Save Families in Crisis

Washington Heights and Inwood have been among the neighborhoods hardest-hit by COVID-19 in all of New York City, with higher percentages of health complications and financial hardships.

Throughout the pandemic, many of our neighbors could not afford food, totongi fale, or basic necessities. Cash workers and undocumented immigrants lost their income and could not access unemployment benefits or other relief from government sources.

Through the compassion of generous donors and funders like you, the Y was able to directly distribute nearly $500,000 in emergency cash assistance — a previously unimaginable source of support and hope. The Y provided:
• Pedro, a young boy with down syndrome who is undergoing cancer treatments, and his family the funds to cover their rent, so they could focus on Pedro’s health.
• Rosy, a single mother struggling to avoid eviction, with emergency cash assistance.
• Marc, who is unable to work after suffering several strokes, the funds to cover two months’ rent and some of his basic necessities.
• Saralina, a single mother and former victim of domestic violence, with new winter coats for her three children.

Your support helps make all this and more possible. As the community continues to suffer, we must be prepared to support the most vulnerable among us. ʻI he taimi ni, your gift will be matched to deliver double the critical services to those who need them most.

Ko e paʻanga kotoa pe naʻe foaki ki he Y — ʻo aʻu ki he $50,000 — ʻi he fakaʻosinga ʻo Tisema ʻe hoa ia mo ha meʻaʻofa makehe ʻi he fakaʻosinga ʻo e taʻu mei he UJA-fetulolo ʻo Niu ʻIoke. That means you can double your impact for the community.

Please make a gift now to help our neighbors in crisis, like Pedro, Rosy, Marc, Saralina, and so many others. Our community is counting on us.

Ko e Y ko ha 501(c)(3) kautaha ʻoku ʻikai tupu. ʻE lava ʻe hoʻo tokoni ʻo ʻai ke ke maʻu ha ngaahi monuʻia kehe ʻi he tukuhau ʻi he ngaue ki he tokanga.

Fekauʻaki mo e Y
Fokotuʻu ʻi he 1917, ʻa e YM&YWHA ʻo Uasingatoni & Fefie (ʻa e Y) ko e senitā faka-Siu palemia ia ʻo Meniheiteni ʻi he tokelaú—ʻo ngāue ʻi ha keliʻanga kehekehe mo fakaʻekonōmika faka-socio—ʻo fakaleleiʻi ʻa e tuʻunga ʻo e moʻuí maʻá e kakai ʻo e toʻu kotoa pē ʻo fakafou ʻi he ngaahi tokoni fakasōsiale mahuʻinga mo e ngaahi polokalama mohu fakakaukau ʻi he moʻui leleí, wellness (wellness), akó, mo e fakamaau totonu fakasōsialé, lolotonga hono fakatupulaki e faikehekehé mo hono fakakau maí, mo tokangaʻi ʻa kinautolu ʻoku faingataʻaʻiá.

Vahevahe ʻi he ʻĪmeili Fakasōsialé pe ʻĪme
