Thomas and His Mom at YM&YWHA

Helping Thomas Thrive and Pursue Joy

Meet Thomas W. He’s seven years old. He’s a natural storyteller, has endless enthusiasm, and is very empathetic, seeking to encourage and comfort everyone around him. His greatest love is trains — watching them, planning train lines, playing train video games — anything and everything trains. He has a rich imagination and loves to play outside.

Thomas also has an Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Thanks to the Y’s Sunday Funday — a social and recreational program for children ages 5-16 with Autism Spectrum Disorders — Thomas was inspired to try new activities, which he previously rejected, and his self-confidence increased. He also honed his cooperative skills, which improved playtime with his younger sister.

Ko ʻeni ʻi he Y, we constantly strive to build a more accessible and accepting environment, like in inclusive programs Thomas enjoys in addition to Sunday Funday — the Y’s Be Me After-School Program and Camp Twelve Trails.

ʻOku ʻomi ʻe he Funday Sāpaté ha ngaahi faingamālie ki he fānaú ke nau ako mo akoako fakahoko ʻa e ngaahi taukei fakasōsiale mahuʻingá lolotonga ʻenau kau fakataha ʻi ha ngaahi ʻekitivitī kehekehe ʻoku nau femoʻuekina aí. According to Thomas’ mother, “The foundation of Sunday Funday really reflects that these children are unique and amazing in their own ways and connects with each of them on an individual level to help them find their own joy, in both expected and unexpected places.” She looks forward to Thomas continuing to pursue joy throughout his life.

Continuing services for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and youth with all abilities is so important that a group of donors is matching contributions up to $5,000 ki he Falaite, Sune 24.

Make a gift today to help the Y enhance lives every day. Thanks to our generous donors and funders, we can provide critical services and programs to our neighbors. We sincerely appreciate any amount you are able to give.

Fekauʻaki mo e Y
Fokotuʻu ʻi he 1917, ʻa e YM&YWHA ʻo Uasingatoni & Fefie (ʻa e Y) ko e senitā faka-Siu palemia ia ʻo Meniheiteni ʻi he tokelaú—ʻo ngāue ʻi ha keliʻanga kehekehe mo fakaʻekonōmika faka-socio—ʻo fakaleleiʻi ʻa e tuʻunga ʻo e moʻuí maʻá e kakai ʻo e toʻu kotoa pē ʻo fakafou ʻi he ngaahi tokoni fakasōsiale mahuʻinga mo e ngaahi polokalama mohu fakakaukau ʻi he moʻui leleí, wellness (wellness), akó, mo e fakamaau totonu fakasōsialé, lolotonga hono fakatupulaki e faikehekehé mo hono fakakau maí, mo tokangaʻi ʻa kinautolu ʻoku faingataʻaʻiá.

Vahevahe ʻi he ʻĪmeili Fakasōsialé pe ʻĪme
