Faanahoraa i roto i te faaôraa

Te ti'aturi nei matou i te mana no te faaanaanataeraa no te faatahoê i te mau tamarii o te mau aravihi atoa e te mau vahi atoa e ha'uti, faahoa i te taata, e e tupu i te rahi te tahi e te tahi. As such, the Y is committed to creating inclusive environments in both our afterschool program, Hudson Cliffs Baseball League, e te puhaparaa no te tau ve'ave'a. Our inclusion model ensures that children are provided the accommodations and support they need in order to thrive.

The Y’s inclusion program is made possible by the generous support of The Butler Foundation and the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

Financial Assistance PDF: Financial_Assistance_Application

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