IY&YTE of Washington Heights & Dausiga mai vale

Innovation For Older Adults

To further highlight the powerful work of our agencies, we include an agency profile in each edition of Network Notes. We hope you will share your exemplary stories with us. In this issue, we are delighted to highlight the YM & YTE of Washington Heights & Dausiga mai vale.

Innovative Senior Centers Offer More to the Elderly
Forget the days of bingo and cards — New York City now has eight “innovative senior centers” up and running.
The innovations come in the form of new programs that focus on wellness and more challenging activities.
Senior centers used to focus on free meals and socialization for older people, but now, the city is radically changing the way it provides for seniors. And the changes are paying off.
When you walk into the Center for Adults Living Well at the Y in Washington Heights, there is an energetic vibe. The high-tech message board lists the day’s activities, and the week’s lunch menu, including vegetarian options, is on display. More than 150 freshly cooked lunches are served each day, not cafeteria style, so it feels more like a restaurant.

To read the rest of this article and to watch the video coverage, click here.

Congratulations to Selfhelp Community Services and the Jewish Community Center of Staten Island, who also received this Department for the Aging grant.

Rauta na Y
Tauyavutaki ena 1917, na VM&YTE of Washington Heights & Dausiga mai vale (na IY) e itikotiko levu duadua ni Jiu ena Vualiku kei Manhattan — na veiqaravi ena dua na vanua duidui ena nodra vanua kei na bula vakailavo — vakavinakataka cake na ivakarau ni bula vei ira na tamata ena veitabayabaki kece mai na veiqaravi bibi ni veimaliwai kei na parokaramu veivakaukauwataki ni tiko bulabula, bula vinaka, vuli, kei na lewa dodonu vakatamata, ena kena vakatorocaketaki na veimataqali duidui kei na kena vakatayagataki, kei na nodra vukei o ira era vakaleqai tu.

Wasea ena Veimaliwai se Imeli

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