camp twelve trails neighborhoods at YM&JAH

Tutvustame: Kaksteist laagrit!

Pärast paljusid imelisi aastaid, it’s time to say goodbye to Camp Yomawha and begin a new chapter of summer camp at the Y. Beginning next summer the camp staff you love, new staff you’ll grow to love, and quality programming you’ve come to know and appreciate will continue to make our camp a program full of surprises and new experiences. Our facilities at HENRY KAUFMANN CAMPGROUNDS have been expanded to help facilitate a uniquely personalized and innovative summer experience.

LAAGRI KAKSTEIST RAJA will give children ages 5 – 16 the best of both traditional and specialty camps. Our nurturing, inclusive program has been carefully designed to provide children of every interestathletic, artistic, adventurous, inquisitivewith the variety and flexibility to grow and have fun in a summer full of experiences best suited to them. Kaksteist laagrit is comprised of five programNeighborhoods”: Play, Create, Explore, Discover, and Grow. Focus on one Neighborhood the whole summer or mix it up each week and try a little of everything; the choice belongs to every camper! There are also many options for parents of children with special needs.

Kaksteist laagrit is the product of a groundbreaking partnership between The YM&YWHA Washingtoni kõrgustest & Inwood, THE JCC ON THE HUDSON, ja THE RIVERDALE YM-YWHA. At its core is a dedication to universally shared values that are central to Jewish life and that everyone can appreciate.

Look for our new brochure in the mail, join us at a Fall info session, check us out online (WWW.CAMPTWELVETRAILS.ORG) and on Facebook (WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/CAMPTWELVETRAILS), or reach out and I’ll give you a call to tell you more! And don’t miss out on special early bird pricingavailable through October 15th.

Y kohta
Asutatud aastal 1917, YM&YWHA Washingtoni kõrgustest & Inwood (Y) on Põhja-Manhattani peamine juudi kogukonnakeskus, mis teenib etniliselt ja sotsiaal-majanduslikult mitmekesist valimisringkonda-parandab igas vanuses inimeste elukvaliteeti kriitiliste sotsiaalteenuste ja uuenduslike tervishoiuprogrammide kaudu, heaolu, haridus, ja sotsiaalset õiglust, edendades samal ajal mitmekesisust ja kaasatust, ja abivajajate eest hoolitsemine.

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