irish girls dancing at YM&JA

Irish Step Dancing Delight Seniors

On Sunday, Mars 1, 2020, members of the Center for Adults Living Well (KALV) at the YM&YWHA i Washington Heights & Inwood (de) were treated to a lively performance by the New York Studio of Irish Step Dance.

Soraya hanzus, New York Studio of Irish Step Dance owner, proudly introduced each dancer to our seniors. Several members of the audience were originally from Ireland and greatly appreciated the sounds and sight of their former home.

Róisín Commane, the studio’s in-house musician, explained that the performance consisted of traditional Irish dances, and the Y is one of their favorite places to perform, because they have a chance to showcase their skills and love for Irish step dancing to an eager audience.

CALW members enthusiastically applauded the performance and were grateful for the experience they compared to Riverdance and the Rockettes.

Om Y
Etablerad i 1917, De m&YWHA i Washington Heights & Inwood (de) är Northern Manhattans främsta judiska samhällscentrum-som betjänar en etniskt och socioekonomiskt mångfaldig valkrets-förbättrar livskvaliteten för människor i alla åldrar genom kritiska sociala tjänster och innovativa hälsoprogram, välbefinnande, utbildning, och social rättvisa, samtidigt som man främjar mångfald och inkludering, och ta hand om de som behöver det.

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