Ukulele Shabbat

“Ei, Xabat Shalom, Shabbat Shalom a ... tothom!”
Ukulele Shabbat is back for the Spring! Reserve your spot below! To join the email list for schedule updates, click here!

Come sing and dance with us as we welcome Shabbat with live music, benediccions, i amics, inclosa la nostra mascota, Todah (un autèntic titella!). Vine aviat o es quedi tard per socialitzar, i coneix els teus veïns! Totes les famílies són ben rebudes a l’Ukulele Shabbat, una de les moltes celebracions de la cultura i festes jueves a tota la comunitat. Drop in anytime. No hi ha quota per assistir-hi.

Lady sitting with her kid at YM&SÍ
Ukulele Shabbat carousel touch at YM&SÍ

Uneix-te a nosaltres

OMS: edats dels nens 0 a 5, with a parent or caregiver.

QUAN: Every Friday morning from 11:30AM-12PM!

Clica aquí to receive Friday morning dates when announced.


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