Shabat ar ukelele

"Hey — ya hmä", Shabat Shalom, Shabat Shalom jar... ga̲tho!"
Ukulele Shabbat is back for the Spring! Reserve your spot below! To join the email list for schedule updates, 'yot'e clic nuwa!

Come sing and dance with us as we welcome Shabbat with live music, Bendiciones, ne mpädi, da 'ñent'i ma me̲ti, Todah ('nar marioneta xi hño!). Handi xuditho wa kohi gi nxui pa socializar, ne pädi ir vecinos! Ga̲tho yá familya ya calurosamente bienvenidas jar Ukulele Shabbat, 'na ya dí celebraciones jár 'mui ne ya dängo judías jar ngatho jar hnini ja ar ne. Dejar ga caer 'nar. Otho ar tarifa pa da wat'i.

Lady sitting with her kid at YM&YWHA
Ukulele Shabbat carousel touch at YM&YWHA

Unir ga ma Nugu̲je

Togo: bätsi edades 0 Pa 5, with a parent or caregiver.

Nu'bu̲: Every Friday morning from 11:30AM-12PM!

'Yot'e clic nuwa to receive Friday morning dates when announced.

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