
"嘿,亞, 沙巴·沙洛姆, 沙巴·沙洛姆... 個個都!"
Ukulele Shabbat is back for the Spring! Reserve your spot below! To join the email list for schedule updates, click here!

Come sing and dance with us as we welcome Shabbat with live music, 祝福, 和朋友, 包括我哋嘅吉祥物, 托達 (一個真正嘅木偶!). 早啲嚟都係遲啲嚟社交, 瞭解你的鄰居! 所有家庭喺乌库莱尔沙巴特受到熱烈歡迎, Y嘅眾多猶太文化同節日社區慶祝活動之一晒. Drop in anytime. 唔收取任何使費.

Lady sitting with her kid at YM&YWHA
Ukulele Shabbat carousel touch at YM&YWHA


誰: 兒童年齡 0 自 5, with a parent or caregiver.

幾時: Every Friday morning from 11:30AM-12PM!

單擊此處 to receive Friday morning dates when announced.

