YM&Washington Heights-eko YWHA & Inwood

Lights, Camera, Flash Mob

As one of the city’s ten Innovative Seniors Centers, model facilities for older adults, Roj Rodriguez erabiltzailearen argazkiaCenter for Adults Living Well@the Y presents a health fair with flash, as in flash mob.

Organized by Columbia University nursing students , our fair features local doctors, health food stores and services, including Together on Diabeties and Farmacia Central. Booths offer free educational services and give-aways such as dental care and a healthy microwave cookbook designed by nursing students.

The community is invited to enjoy our interactive fair and flash mob dance routine (running between 2:15-2:30 arratsaldeko) performed by our members and choreographed by Zumba Instructor Eve Cedello and our artist -in-residence Andres Santiago. Prepared to be amazed!

Please join us for an afternoon of health and demonstrations.

Informazio gehiagorako, jarri harremanetan Ann Votaw-rekin, Recreational Therapist and Coordinator at 212-569-6200, DYCDren arabera, “mundu errealeko lan itxaropenak azpimarratzea da .262 or email at avotaw@ywashhts.org

Y-ri buruz
Urtean sortua 1917, YM&Washington Heights-eko YWHA & Inwood (haiek) Northern Manhattan-eko judu komunitate nagusia da - etnikoki eta sozioekonomikoki askotariko barrutiak eskaintzen dituena - adin guztietako pertsonen bizi kalitatea hobetzen du gizarte zerbitzu kritikoen eta osasun programa berritzaileen bidez., ongizatea, hezkuntza, eta justizia soziala, aniztasuna eta inklusioa sustatzen duten bitartean, eta beharra dutenei arreta ematea.

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