YM&YWHA i Washington Heights & Inwood

Lights, Camera, Flash Mob

As one of the city’s ten Innovative Seniors Centers, model facilities for older adults, Leirpersonalet jobbet hardt for å skape en unik leiropplevelse for hver camperCenter for Adults Living Well@the Y presents a health fair with flash, as in flash mob.

Organized by Columbia University nursing students , our fair features local doctors, health food stores and services, including Together on Diabeties and Farmacia Central. Booths offer free educational services and give-aways such as dental care and a healthy microwave cookbook designed by nursing students.

The community is invited to enjoy our interactive fair and flash mob dance routine (running between 2:15-2:30 kl) performed by our members and choreographed by Zumba Instructor Eve Cedello and our artist -in-residence Andres Santiago. Prepared to be amazed!

Please join us for an afternoon of health and demonstrations.

For mer informasjon, kontakt Ann Votaw, Recreational Therapist and Coordinator at 212-569-6200, ext .262 or email at avotaw@ywashhts.org

Om Y
Etablert i 1917, YM&YWHA i Washington Heights & Inwood (Y) er Nord-Manhattans fremste jødiske samfunnshus-som betjener en etnisk og sosioøkonomisk mangfoldig valgkrets-forbedrer livskvaliteten for mennesker i alle aldre gjennom kritiske sosiale tjenester og innovative programmer innen helse, velvære, utdanning, og sosial rettferdighet, samtidig som det fremmer mangfold og inkludering, og omsorg for de som trenger det.

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YM&YWHA i Washington Heights & Inwood

Lights, Camera, Flash Mob

As one of the city’s ten Innovative Seniors Centers, model facilities for older adults, the Center for Adults Living Well@the Y presents a health fair with flash,

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