Holocaust Survivor Zinaida Moiseevna Kruchek Celebrates 100th Birthday at YM&JAH

Local Holocaust Survivor Celebrates 100th Birthday

One of the greatest privileges we have at the Y is caring for local Holocaust survivors and helping them age in place with dignity.

Yesterday, we celebrated Zinaida’s 100th birthday with her in her home. Zinaida was born on April 25, 1922, in Moldova and was raised in Odessa, Ukraine. Seventeen members of her family were burned alive in the Odessa Massacre in 1941. Zinaida and her father, mother, and sister survived the Holocaust by being evacuated to Bashkiria, where they lived until the end of the war. She went on to complete her education and become a doctor.

Like other survivors who experienced and witnessed many traumatic events and atrocities, Zinaida doesn’t often speak of the Holocaust. Instead, she prefers to focus on her life after the war, especially her family and her meaningful work saving lives as a doctor.

During yesterday’s celebration, we brought Zinaida peonies — the flower of her beloved Odessa — cake, and lots of joy

Like other local Holocaust survivors without family living in the area, Zinaida relies on the Y to help her with her basic needs and support at home.

The Y is dedicated to caring for the health and wellbeing of all local Holocaust survivors, ja pakume neile jätkuvalt: 
• Nourishing meals and holiday celebrations;
• Field trips, like the one next week to the Brooklyn Botanical Garden;
• Commemorative events for V-Day, Yom HaShoah, and other occasions;
• Kerge majapidamine neile, kes on liiga nõrgad, et ise hakkama saada;
• Juurdepääs sotsiaalteenustele;
• Weekly Shabbat reflections groups;
• Opportunities to create oral histories;
• And more.

Meie heldete annetajate ja rahastajate tõttu, suudame hoolitseda oma kogukonna kõige haavatavamate eest. Thank you!

Y kohta
Asutatud aastal 1917, YM&YWHA Washingtoni kõrgustest & Inwood (Y) on Põhja-Manhattani peamine juudi kogukonnakeskus, mis teenib etniliselt ja sotsiaal-majanduslikult mitmekesist valimisringkonda-parandab igas vanuses inimeste elukvaliteeti kriitiliste sotsiaalteenuste ja uuenduslike tervishoiuprogrammide kaudu, heaolu, haridus, ja sotsiaalset õiglust, edendades samal ajal mitmekesisust ja kaasatust, ja abivajajate eest hoolitsemine.

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