Anita showing big book to little kids in class room at YM&BAI

Nire denbora Y-n Gizarte Laneko bekadun gisa

Esperientzia eskerga izan dut Y-ko gizarte laneko bekadun gisa. Ez bakarrik zortea izan nuen bi zeregin izateko, in the preschool and at a local high school, I was also welcomed into the community of the Y.

As a student I am a transplant into New York City, and spending time at the Y helped to ground me and better understand the culture of Washington Heights. I’ve been able to interact with a diverse group of professionals; teachers, social workers, and directors, all of whom are dedicated to their work.

Leaving this program, I have gained knowledge in facilitating playgroups, interacting in classrooms, and teaming with high schoolers around academic and social-emotional goals. I am indebted to to the Y for allowing me to grow my skills, and I will miss the warmth of this community.

By Anita Burton-Solnit

Y-ri buruz
Urtean sortua 1917, YM&Washington Heights-eko YWHA & Inwood (haiek) Northern Manhattan-eko judu komunitate nagusia da - etnikoki eta sozioekonomikoki askotariko barrutiak eskaintzen dituena - adin guztietako pertsonen bizi kalitatea hobetzen du gizarte zerbitzu kritikoen eta osasun programa berritzaileen bidez., ongizatea, hezkuntza, eta justizia soziala, aniztasuna eta inklusioa sustatzen duten bitartean, eta beharra dutenei arreta ematea.

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