Anita showing big book to little kids in class room at YM&JOO

My Time at the Y as a Social Work Intern

I’ve had an invaluable experience as a social work intern at the Y. Not only was I lucky enough to have two assignments, in the preschool and at a local high school, I was also welcomed into the community of the Y.

As a student I am a transplant into New York City, and spending time at the Y helped to ground me and better understand the culture of Washington Heights. I’ve been able to interact with a diverse group of professionals; teachers, social workers, and directors, all of whom are dedicated to their work.

Leaving this program, I have gained knowledge in facilitating playgroups, interacting in classrooms, and teaming with high schoolers around academic and social-emotional goals. I am indebted to to the Y for allowing me to grow my skills, and I will miss the warmth of this community.

By Anita Burton-Solnit

Tietoja Y: stä
Perustettu 1917, YM&YWHA Washington Heightsista & Inwood (Y) on Pohjois-Manhattanin johtava juutalainen yhteisökeskus-joka palvelee etnisesti ja sosioekonomisesti monipuolista vaalipiiriä-parantaa kaikenikäisten ihmisten elämänlaatua kriittisten sosiaalipalvelujen ja innovatiivisten terveysalan ohjelmien avulla, hyvinvointi, koulutus, ja sosiaalista oikeudenmukaisuutta, samalla kun edistetään monimuotoisuutta ja osallisuutta, ja tarvitsevien hoitamisesta.

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