Programme de sensibilisation du NORC

The Y’s collaboration with the local Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities (NORCs) is designed to enrich the lives of older adults throughout the community. NORCs serve the vital purpose of encouraging new and deeper relationships and help to form and sustain informal social networks. NORCs provide information on topics of interest to seniors in the friendly and familiar environment of their own building complexes, making it more accessible to the residents.

Through the NORC Outreach Program, we connect older adults to social services, organize presentations on topics of interest, and offer assistance with navigating their benefits and entitlements. We are grateful for the philanthropic support that funds this program, so we can elevate the quality of life of older adults who wish to age in place with independence and dignity.

Pour plus d'informations, contact Déborah Gross à 212-569-6200, Ext. 233 une telle affirmation n'est pas très difficile. Intellectuellement, il est facile d'épouser la valeur que chaque personne mérite d'être honorée

Victoria Neznanski
Responsable du développement et des services sociaux
212-569-6200 x204
Déborah Gross
Le projet communautaire d'Hudson: Directeur de la sécurité à la maison
212-569-6200 x233

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