Nursery School or Footpaths Nursery Camp Tour

Schedule your virtual tour!

Virtual tours of the Y Nursery School and Footpaths Nursery Camp are conducted monthly at 9:30 u.m.

paalalo'obo' ti' YM&YWHA

Please complete the form below, and a staff member will contact you to schedule a tour.

Conozca k nu'ukulil

Susan Herman
Director u yéetel utia'al le yáax Infancia
Laura Sánchez
Subdirector u yéetel utia'al le yáax Infancia
212-569-6200 x274

Ba'ax ku ya'ala'al le yúumo'ob yóok'ol le guardería yéetel


paalalo'obo' ti' YM&YWHA

"Táan k eternamente agradecidos tumen yantalto'on k topado yéetel le yéetel utia'al in ka'ap'éel paalal’ Ja'ab prekínder. Le yaan u sido increíblemente gratificante utia'al tuláakal in ch'i'ibalil. In waal ch'íijki' ya'ab maneras yéetel ti' beyo' k'a'ana'an u yaabilaj u ki'ichkelem máaxo'ob. NIB ÓOLAL tak u yiit k puksi'ik'alo'obo'. Mantats' recordaremos le ka yéetel yaakunaj yéetel jump'éel puksi'ik'al Chuup yéetel ki'imak óolil".

– Zabryna ka Michel