YM&YWHA аз Вашингтон Ҳайтс & Инвуд

Pearl’s Story

Дар якҷоягӣ бо мо “Шарикҳо дар нигоҳубин” барнома, ки аз ҷониби UJA-Федератсияи Ню Йорк маблағгузорӣ мешавад, Y мусоҳибаи шаш нафар наҷотёфтагони маҳаллӣ барои беҳтар фаҳмидани ҳикояи ҳар як шахсро пешкаш мекунад. Ин мусоҳибаҳо дар галереяи ибронӣ таблиғ карда мешаванд “Эҳсоси замони ҷанг ва берун аз он: Портретҳои наҷотёфтагони Ҳолокост рӯҳонӣ”. Галерея рӯзи ҷумъаи 8 ноябр кушода мешавад.

Pearl Rosenzveig has been a member of the Y since 1998.

Перл Розенцвейг (Photograph by Yael Ben-Zionwww.yaelbenzion.com)

Pearl (Friedman) Rosenzveig was born in Simleu Silvania, Romania on February 22, 1919.  The Friedman’s were the only Jewish family in Simleu Silvania. Her father owned a liquor, tobacco, and grocery store. She has a sister, Esther, who was born on January 21, 1921.  Her mother’s side of the family resided in a town about 3 hours away by train. Pearl remembers her mother as a loving person, who was also a business woman. She described her mother as a conservative Jew.

In Simleu Silvania, there was only one school for all the children to attend, however there was no high school. Pearl recalls attending that school until her 7th year. She was a gifted gymnast and states that gymnastics was her favorite subject in school. When asked if Pearl experienced any anti-Semitism as a child, she remembered a story from her time in school. Pearl and her sister were in a play about Romania and all of the states within the country. Each child was given a state to play, while Esther was given the part of Romania. When the class performed the play for the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister asked the teacher why a Jew was playing the part of Romania.

Even though the Friedman’s were the only Jewish family in Simleu Silvania, they still practiced Judaism. They celebrated every Jewish holiday and they kept kosher. On Friday, Pearl’s father would travel to a nearby Hungarian town where there were more Jews and would attend Shabbat services. On high holy days, Pearl and her mother would travel to a town called Silvaniei to go to synagogue.

When Pearl was 15, the Prime Minister of Romania put restrictions on Jewish owned businesses. The Friedman’s lost their business and was forced to move to Simleu Silvaniei. Pearl attended community college in Simleu Silvaniei, but was told that she failed her classes because she was a Jew. This did not make any sense to Pearl because when the gym teacher was absent, Pearl was called to replace her because she was such a talented gymnast. Even though Pearl tried to fight her way to stay in school, she did not win. By age 17, Pearl left the school. When she realized she had limited opportunities in such a small town, in her early twenties Pearl moved to Budapest where one of her uncles lived. She needed to learn a skill in order to survive so Pearl learned to sew. Pearl wanted to maximize her opportunities to make a living, which is why she decided to move to Budapest. She took great interest in sewing, but wanted to improve so she took a class in pattern making. Pearl remembers that later on that she began sewing yellow stars onto clothing. She recalls, “When we were in the ghetto, we needed yellow stars on each item.” Pearl had been told many times that she did not look like a Jew. When Jews were unable to shop at stores, Pearl made the courageous decision to take off her yellow star and go shopping. One time she was stopped by a Hungarian police officer who asked her why sometimes he sees her with a yellow star and other times without the star. He told her, “You’re not Jewish. Take that star off forever.”

While in Budapest, Pearl was able to correspond with her parents by sending letters. However, she lost touch with her parents in the early 1940’s and Pearl knew that she had lost her parents forever. When reflecting on her feelings about the war, Pearl believes that the Hungarian government is responsible for the deaths of the Jews in Hungary.

After being in the ghetto for about two and half years, Pearl and the rest of the Jews were rounded up. She prepared by packing up her belongings. Pearl was sure to pack her mother’s jewelry and all the valuables that she had. In addition, she bought as much nonperishable food as she could so that she would not go hungry. One morning, the police came to the door and told her that she had five minutes to gather her belongings and leave. The police gathered a few thousand Jews in a lot. Pearl recalls that the police were extremely unorganized and eventually had to send all of the Jews home because they did not know what to do with all of them. She hoped that this would be the end, but it was not. In October 1943, she heard the knock on her door and once again she left the house. This time, it was for good. She remembers walking for what felt like forever. There were several thousand Jews that were forced to march day after day. When they would stop at night, Pearl remembers that they were given very little to eat. They served liquids only and she remembers the food being disgusting. She had no choice but to eat it. The Hungarian police orchestrated the march. Pearl felt disappointed, sad, and weak. She found the strength to carry on each day throughout the march. On the march, Pearl saw a woman coming out of her house. Pearl ran over to the woman and offered to give her the sweater she was wearing in exchange for any food. Pearl did not care that winter was coming. She was so hungry; all she could think about was getting food. The woman went into her house and came out with a lot of food for Pearl and she took the sweater.

Pearl recalls the march lasting from October to December. The weather got so cold, Pearl is glad that she did not lose her fingers on the march. She knew that she was walking to Germany, but she did not realize that she was walking to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. She reached Bergen-Belsen in January 1944. When she got to the concentration camp, all of Pearl’s jewelry including her earrings and watch were confiscated. She was stripped of everything; including her clothes. She was given clothing that was full of lice. On the days that it would snow, Pearl would strip herself down to nothing and wash herself with soap in the snow. When she was done, she had to put her dirty clothes back on and go back to the barracks. When more people would come to the camp, Pearl would do what she could to make room for people in the barracks. This would leave her without a place to sleep. She stayed in the cold corridor and became very ill.

When the camp was liberated, Pearl saw British soldiers coming to the camp. She recalls them intimidating the German soldiers. After a week, Pearl was moved from Bergen-Belsen to a better facility in Germany. She remembers being fed a little better. Everyone was still very sick from the filth of the camp. A nurse came to help the refugees including Pearl who had come down with shingles. Eventually the Swedish came and opened their borders to the refugees and offered assistance to them. In 1945, Pearl decided that she wanted to go to Sweden. She was taken there along with other refugees. The refugees were taken care of by doctors and admitted to hospitals if they needed extra medical attention.

The refugees were put into Swedish summer homes outside of Stockholm. She recalls being placed with Czech, Hungarian, and Romanian refugees. She stayed there for two years. Pearl was very happy when she was there. She was given new clothes every season so she could be comfortable. After several years in Sweden, Pearl wrote to an uncle she found in New York. Her uncle immediately sent her $100. She used this money to buy herself a watch and to get her teeth fixed since they had been damaged from the war. Once she got herself fixed up, Pearl asked her uncle to help her come to America. Even though Pearl loved her life in Sweden, she wanted to be in New York with her family. She thought she would have to wait years to get to America because the Romanian quota was so small, but she and her uncle were able to work out a way to get Pearl to America as quickly as possible. The first affidavit that her uncle was able to get for her was not enough to get her into the country so her uncle asked a friend of his for help. This friend helped get Pearl an adequate affidavit to come to America.

On June 14, 1948, Pearl arrived in New York City. Her aunt was at the harbor waiting for her. She recognized Pearl by the pictures she had sent. She then lived with her aunt and uncle, and worked as a seamstress.

Pearl never imagined that she would marry an American man. She recalls that she met her husband when she was visiting a friend. She married Max Rosenzveig and they had 2 daughters. Pearl has six grandchildren.  

This interview was transcribed (from a previoulsy recorded interview) by Halley Goldberg of the Y’s Partners in Caring initiative and belongs to the YM&YWHA аз Вашингтон Ҳейтс ва Инвуд. Истифодаи ин мавод бидуни ризоияти хаттии ҳам Y ва ҳам мусоҳиб қатъиян манъ аст. Маълумоти бештарро дар бораи барномаи Partners in Caring дар ин ҷо пайдо кунед: http://ywashhts.org/partners-caring-0 

Хаймаи ибрӣ Галереяи тиллоии Армин ва Эстеллдар хамкории фахрй боYM&YWHA аз Вашингтон Ҳейтс ва Инвудшуморо ба мо даъват мекунадНоябр/декабр, 2013 Намоиш“Эҳсоси замони ҷанг ва берун аз он: Портретҳои наҷотёфтагони Ҳолокост рӯҳонӣ” бо суратхо ва мучассамахо аз тарафи: ЯЕЛЬ БЕН-СИОН,  ПИТЕР БУЛОВ ва РОЖ РОДРИГЕСДар якҷоягӣ бо Хадамоти махсус дар хотирааз75Солгарди Кристаллнахт -Шаби шишаи шикастаХидматҳо ва қабули ифтитоҳи рассом, Ҷумъа, 8 ноябр, 2013 7:30 соати.

 Изҳороти Ю :  ” Дар тӯли даҳсолаҳо Washington Heights / Inwood Y буд, ва давом дорад, паноҳгоҳе барои паноҳҷӯён, эҳтиром ва фаҳмиш. Бисёре аз онҳое, ки ба дарҳои мо ворид мешаванд ва дар барномаҳои мо иштирок мекунанд, аз озмоишҳо ва мусибатҳо гузаштаанд, ки мо ҳатто тасаввур карда наметавонем..  Барои баъзехо, ки дар ин выставка иштирок мекунанд, Яке аз чунин даҳшат дар ҷаҳон танҳо бо номи "Ҳолокост" маълум шуд. – куштори мунтазами шаш миллион яҳудиёни Аврупо.

Мо дар Y гузаштаро дар хотир дорем, шаъну шараф ба онхое, ки дар он вакт зиндагй ва мурданд, ва ҳақиқатро барои наслҳои оянда ҳифз кунед. Ба хотири худамон ва фарзандонамон, мо бояд саргузашти онхоеро, ки бадихои чангро аз cap гузарондаанд, накл кунем. Барои оянда дарсҳое ҳастанд.  Мусоҳибаҳоро Ҳалли Голдберг ҳуҷҷатгузорӣ кардааст, супервайзери барномаи "Шарикони Ғамхорӣ".  Ин барномаи муҳим тавассути гранти саховатмандонаи UJA-Федератсияи Ню Йорк имконпазир гардид, барои таҳкими муносибатҳо бо синагогаҳо дар Вашингтон Ҳайтс ва Инвуд тарҳрезӣ шудааст. “

Дар намоишгоҳи муштараки бадеии мо портретҳо ва мусоҳибаҳои наҷотёфтагони Ҳолокост гузошта шудаанд, Ҳанна Эйснер, Чарли ва Лили Фридман, Перл Розенцвейг, Фреди Зайдель ва Рут Вертхаймер, хамаи онхо аъзоёни хаймаи ибронй мебошанд, як ҷамъомади яҳудӣ, ки бисёре аз яҳудиёни олмонӣ аз фашистон гурехтаанд ва хушбахтона ба Амрико меоянд, дар охири солҳои 1930 ҳамроҳ шуд.  Илова бар ин, мо инчунин наҷотёфтаи Ҳолокост Гизелл Шварц Буловро эҳтиром хоҳем кард- модари рассоми мо Питер Булоу ва наҷотёфтаи Ҷанги Дуюми Ҷаҳонӣ Ян Незнанский - падари Сармутахассиси барномаи Y., Мо хурсандем ба шумо кумак кунем.

Хадамоти махсуси шанбе, бо баромадкунандагон, ба хотираи 75-солагии Кристаллнахт (шаби шишаи шикаста) пеш аз кушода шудани выставкаи «Галереяи тиллой/Й:Хизматрасонӣ фавран соати 7 оғоз меёбад:30 соати. Ҳама ба иштирок даъват карда мешаванд.

Барои соатҳои кори галерея ё барои маълумоти иловагӣ лутфан ба синагога занг занед212-568-8304 ё бубинедhttp://www.hebrewtabernacle.orgИзҳороти рассом: Яел Бен-Сионwww.yaelbenzion.comЯел Бен-Сион дар Миннеаполис таваллуд шудааст, MN ва дар Исроил ба воя расидааст. Вай хатмкардаи барномаи омӯзиши умумии Маркази байналмилалии аксбардорӣ мебошад. Бен-Сион барандаи грантҳо ва ҷоизаҳои гуногун мебошад, ба наздикӣ аз Бунёди Puffin ва аз NoMAA, ва асарҳои ӯ дар Иёлоти Муттаҳида ва Аврупо намоиш дода шудаанд. Вай ду монографияи асарашро нашр кардааст.  Вай бо шавҳараш дар Вашингтон Ҳейтс зиндагӣ мекунад, ва дугоникписарони онхо.

Изҳороти рассом:  Питер Булу: www.peterbulow.com

Модарам чун кудак, дар замони Холокост пинхон шуда буд. Дар давоми солхо, тачрибаи вай, ё он чизе ки ман тасаввур мекардам, таҷрибаи вай буд, ба ман таъсири калон расонд. Ин таъсир ҳам дар ҳаёти шахсии ман ва ҳам дар ҳаёти бадеии ман инъикос ёфтааст. Ман дар Ҳиндустон таваллуд шудаам, дар синни хурдсолӣ дар Берлин зиндагӣ мекард ва дар синни ман ҳамроҳи волидонам ба ИМА муҳоҷират кард 8.  Ман устоди санъати тасвирӣ дар ҳайкалтарошӣ дорам. Ман инчунин гирандаи грант ҳастам, ки ба ман имкон медиҳад, ки шумораи маҳдуди нимпайкараҳои биринҷии наҷотёфтагони Ҳолокост созам..  Лутфан ба ман хабар диҳед, ки оё шумо ба қисми ин лоиҳа таваҷҷӯҳ доред.

Изҳороти рассом :Рож Родригес: www.rojrodriguez.com

Ҷисми кори ман сафари маро аз Хьюстон инъикос мекунад, TX - он ҷое ки ман таваллуд ва ба воя расидаам - ба Ню Йорк - дар куҷо, ба этникии он дучор гардид, гуногунии фарҳангӣ ва иҷтимоӣ-иқтисодӣ ва назари беназири он ба муҳоҷирон– Ман эҳтироми нав ба фарҳанги ҳамаро пайдо кардам. Ман бо суратгирони хуб шогирд будам, ба таври васеъ саёҳат кард ва бо бисёр мутахассисони беҳтарин дар ин соҳа ҳамкорӣ кард. Аз январ, 2006, Карераи ман ҳамчун як суратгири мустақил ба як раванди қабули лоиҳаҳои аксбардории шахсӣ табдил ёфтааст, ки аз фаҳмиши шахсии ман дар бораи тарзи мубодилаи ҷаҳон ва амалӣ кардани эҷодиёти худ дар маҷмӯъ бармеояд.

Дар бораи Y
Дар таъсис ёфтааст 1917, YM&YWHA аз Вашингтон Ҳайтс & Инвуд (Y) маркази пешбари ҷомеаи яҳудиёни Манҳеттени Шимолӣ мебошад, ки ба як ҳавзаи мухталифи этникӣ ва иҷтимоию иқтисодӣ хидмат мекунад-баланд бардоштани сифати зиндагии одамони синну соли гуногун тавассути хидматҳои муҳими иҷтимоӣ ва барномаҳои инноватсионӣ дар соҳаи тандурустӣ, саломатӣ, таҳсилот, ва адолати иҷтимоӣ, ҳангоми мусоидат ба гуногунрангӣ ва фарогирӣ, ва нигоҳубини ниёзмандон.

Дар мубодилаи иҷтимоӣ ё почтаи электронӣ мубодила кунед

Почтаи электронӣ
Чоп кунед
YM&YWHA аз Вашингтон Ҳайтс & Инвуд

Pearl’s Story

Дар якҷоягӣ бо мо “Шарикҳо дар нигоҳубин” барнома, ки аз ҷониби UJA-Федератсияи Ню Йорк маблағгузорӣ мешавад, Y мусоҳибаҳоро аз шаш наҷотёфтагони маҳаллӣ пешкаш мекунад

Маълумоти бештар "