MTHE&MDT no Washington Heights & Ta'ita'i

Rosh Hashana — On New Beginnings

Ask a mom-to-be what she’s doing the day after her due date, and you might get a wry smile. She doesn’t know. Baby’s birth date remains a mystery until the last minute, and she might not know if she’s having a girl or a boy.

On the eve of the Jewish New Year, it’s a good reminder that none of us knows what the future holds. While waiting for baby is an incredible and unrivaled time of anticipation, the dawn of any new year—whether the school year, Rosh Hashanah, or a milestone birthday—is filled with much mystery and wonder. New hopes and dreams abound, as much as little worries might try to sneak in.

When the stories of our future selves haven’t yet been written, all good things seem possible. Everything is within our grasp. As parents-to-be, when we hear our babies take their first breath, and their long-awaited cry pierces the air, we all cry out for the joy of new beginnings, both for our children and for ourselves as new parents.

Whether you’re waiting for a baby or another type of new beginning, we wish you a sweet and healthy new year. And if you are awaiting a newborn, or watching your little one grow up, come join us at the Y Beginnings Parenting Center.


Rosh Hashana, te haamataraa o te matahiti apî ati Iuda, is a time for introspection, e taime no te mana'o, e taime no te faahanahanaraa i te mau oro'a, e taime no te faaoti faahou i ta tatou mau opuaraa, e e taime no te haamaramaramaraa i ta tatou opuaraa. Rosh Hashana is the time where we gather as a community and as an individual, and celebrate integral themes of solace, hau, oaoa, e te ea maitai no te taatoaraa. E mau mana'o teie o te parare hau atu i te faito o te haapaoraa e o te haaputapû i te huitaata atoa nei. Te ti'aturi nei matou e, e matahiti no te hau e te manuïa e haamata i roto i te utuafare, e te faaaanoraa i to tatou oire, to tatou fenua, e to tatou ao.  

Te tia'i nei tatou i te taime e farii ai tatou i te haamaitairaa e te itoito, e noa'tu eaha te mau fifi e aore râ te mau fifi ta tatou i faaruru i te matahiti i ma'iri a'enei e tauihia ïa no te faatupu i te hoê faahopearaa maitai a'e. E nehenehe to tatou mau haere'a i mua i teie mau taparuraa e teie mau aniraa e faarahihia na roto i to tatou mau mana'o e ta tatou mau ohipa, e na roto i te mau ohipa maitai e te hamani maitai. Horo'a i te tahi moni no te hoê ohipa tauturu faufaa rahi, faaineine i te maa na te hoê taata tupu ma'i, e aore râ, e aroha'tu i te hoê taata ê i ni'a i te purumu. E pinepine tatou i te haamoe i te faahopearaa hohonu o ta tatou mau ohipa haihai roa.

Hau atu i te mau mea atoa, te tia'i nei tatou i te amui-tahi-raa ei utuafare. Whether it be blood, i te pae sotiare, or geographical, the word “family” can take many forms. Tei ia tatou tata'itahi te faataaraa i teie parau no tatou iho, tanu i te mau huero, aupuru i to tatou mau auraa, e ia hi'o i to tatou mau utuafare ia tupu i te rahi i roto i te mau tuhaa nehenehe e te rahi o to tatou oraraa.

Te hinaaro nei matou e rave i teie taime no te faatae atu i te hoê matahiti apî oaoa i te mau melo atoa e i te mau hoa atoa o to matou utuafare. Ia riro teie taime o te matahiti ei faahanahanaraa i te mau haamataraa apî e ei faahanahanaraa i te utuafare & Te mau Mana'o Tauturu no te Haapiiraa e te A. Na te taata tata'itahi e na outou tata'itahi e hamani ia matou mai te au i to matou huru, e ua mauruuru roa matou no to oe faati'araa ia matou ia amui atu i roto i to oe oraraa. E mata na tatou i te tia'i no te hoê matahiti monamona, e matahiti oaoa e e matahiti faahanahanaraa, e ia tae i te matahiti 5776 faatupu i te hau e te hau no te taatoaraa.

By Mara Bragg, Y Beginnings Parenting Center Director

No ni'a i te TT
Haamauhia i roto i te 1917, te MTHE&MDT no Washington Heights & Ta'ita'i (te U) o te pû amuitahiraa Ati Iuda ïa no te Pae Apato'erau no Manhattan — te taviniraa i te hoê tuhaa fenua e i te pae moni— te haamaitairaa i te huru oraraa o te mau taata no te mau faito matahiti atoa na roto i te tahi mau ohipa sotiare faufaa e te mau faanahoraa apî i roto i te ea, te maitai, haapiiraa, e te parau-ti'a sotiare, a faaitoito ai i te rauraa e te faaôraa i te mau taa-ê-raa, e te atuaturaa i te feia nava'i ore.

Faaite i ni'a i te ohipa sotiare e aore râ te rata uira

Rata uira