Ym&YWHA de Washington Heights & Inwood

Rosh Hashaná — On New Beginnings

Ask a mom-to-be what she’s doing the day after her due date, and you might get a wry smile. She doesn’t know. Baby’s birth date remains a mystery until the last minute, and she might not know if she’s having a girl or a boy.

On the eve of the Jewish New Year, it’s a good reminder that none of us knows what the future holds. While waiting for baby is an incredible and unrivaled time of anticipation, the dawn of any new year—whether the school year, Rosh Hashaná, or a milestone birthday—is filled with much mystery and wonder. New hopes and dreams abound, as much as little worries might try to sneak in.

When the stories of our future selves haven’t yet been written, all good things seem possible. Everything is within our grasp. As parents-to-be, when we hear our babies take their first breath, and their long-awaited cry pierces the air, we all cry out for the joy of new beginnings, both for our children and for ourselves as new parents.

Whether you’re waiting for a baby or another type of new beginning, we wish you a sweet and healthy new year. And if you are awaiting a newborn, or watching your little one grow up, come join us at the Y Beginnings Parenting Center.


Rosh Hashaná, le comienzo le ja'abo' túumben judío, is a time for introspection, jump'éel k'iin utia'al u tuukul, jump'éel súutuko' utia'al celebrar hitos, jump'éel k'iin utia'al u k'a' tu'ux k yéetel k ku, yéetel jump'éel k'iin utia'al redefinir k propósito. Rosh Hashana is the time where we gather as a community and as an individual, and celebrate integral themes of solace, Jets' óolal, ki'imak óolil, yéetel ma'alo'ob utia'al tuláakal. Táan a le tuukul ba'ax ku extienden asab te'elo' ti' le alcance le yóokol k'uj yéetel yilia'alo'ob tuláakal le humanidad.. K pa'atik u jump'éel ja'abil Jets' óolal yéetel éxito ken káaje' ichil le wotoch, ka expandiendo u k kaajal, k lu'uma', ka k kaabe'.  

K pa'atik yéetel k'ana'an ju'uno'ob k'amik le tojóolal yéetel le muk'óolalil, yéetel u je'el talamil k wa contratiempo hayamos experimentado ti' u ja'abil anterior u modifique utia'al u promulgar jump'éel resultado asab positivo.. K bejo'ob tak a súplicas yéetel ku ch'áanuktik páajtal u mejorados ti' k tuukule' ka meyajo'ob., ka ti' actos ma'alob balts'amo'ob yéetel bondades. Dona ba'al u táak'in ti' jump'éel Básica benéfica significativa, mentik jump'éel janal ti' jump'éel vecino k'oja'anen, wa yéetel saludar jump'éel extraño ti' le bejo'. Tu menudo perdemos u sáasil cuán taam leti' le impacto k meyajo'ob juul insignificantes páajtal u yaantal..

Sobre todo, K pa'atik unir k bey ch'i'ibalil. Whether it be blood, social, or geographical, the word “family” can take many forms. Yaantal yo'osal tuláakal yéetel jujuntúulal to'on definir le t'aano' Tuméen to'one' mismos., plantar neek'o'obo', nutrir k bix u bisikuba'ob, ka wilik k familias lolo'ob ti' le pak'chaje' asab bellas jo'osal le ku yila'alo' u k vidas.

Ti' le ka k gustaría aprovechar le súutuka' utia'al jayik jump'éel sincero ki'imak ja'aba' túumben tuláakal k miembros yéetel etail ku yaantalo'ob k ch'i'ibalil.. Ba'ax le época le ja'abo' bixake' jump'éel celebración túumben comienzos yéetel juntúul celebración u láak'tsilo'ob & kaajnáalilo'obo' utia'al tuláakal. Tuláakal yéetel jujuntúulal ti' te'ex k ku beetiko'ob máaxo'ob chan, ka k jach agradecidos u ka k permitas táan u táakpajalo'ob ti' a kuxtal. U seamos inscritos ti' jump'éel ja'abil dulzura, jump'éel ja'abil toj óolal yéetel jump'éel ja'abil celebración, ka mayo le ja'abo' 5776 marcar u comienzo le Jets' óolal yéetel le tranquilidad utia'al tuláakal.

Tumen Mara Bragg, Y Beginnings Parenting Center Director

Tu yo'olal le yéetel
Establecido ti' 1917, le YM&YWHA de Washington Heights & Inwood (le yéetel) Jach noj bejo' k'iiwik te' mejen kaajo'obo' judío Xaman u Manhattan, ku táanlaj junmúuch' étnica yéetel socioeconómicamente diverso, ma'alobkiinsik le ma'alobil kuxtal máako'ob ti' tuláakal le edades yéetel áantajo'ob ts'áabal u críticos yéetel ku innovadores ichil toj óolal., Bienestar, educación, ka justicia ts'aa, yaan u yúuchtal u promueve u jejeláasil yéetel le inclusión, yéetel u kanáanil le necesitados.

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