kids hiking in a forest with teachers at YM&YWHA

Smiles, S’mores, and More!

Summer 2021 will be remembered by many as the time we were able to take giant steps forward in the post-pandemic recovery and especially as the return to fun and exciting in-person experiences for youth. Making friends, swimming, and a plethora of enrichment activities are just the tip of the iceberg for campers at Camp Twelve Trails this year.

“It was important to me and the Camp Twelve Trails team to give campers an opportunity to smile and be together again,” said Camp Twelve Trails Director Adam Benmoise. “There was so much disappointment and loss during the last year, and kids deserve to smile and be happy. They deserve to just be kids again.

I loved being able to do music in the Create neighborhood because, even outside of camp, I love music. My favorite part was playing Zip Zap Zop. I felt like it helped me with my voice and volume.” — Joey, 11

Here’s a glimpse into camp life so far this year.

“My counselors are funny, and camp is two thumbs up.” — Hallie, 6

“This is the bestest day there ever was, because I am in nature. I like Shabbat, but I don’t want it to happen, because that means we have to leave. I never want to leave camp.” — Max, 5

Y haqida
Yilda tashkil etilgan 1917, YM&Vashington Xaytsdagi YWHA & Invud (Y) Shimoliy Manxettenning etnik va ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy jihatdan xilma-xil saylov okrugiga xizmat ko'rsatuvchi yahudiylarning birinchi markazidir-har qanday yoshdagi odamlar uchun muhim ijtimoiy xizmatlar va sog'liqni saqlash sohasidagi innovatsion dasturlar orqali hayot sifatini yaxshilash., sog'lomlashtirish, ta'lim, va ijtimoiy adolat, xilma -xillik va inklyuzivlikni targ'ib qilishda, va muhtojlarga g'amxo'rlik qilish.

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