27 Jan
Bubbie's Kitchen JanuariJan 27 2022 07:00sore
Kehidupan Yahudi
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Ultimate Whole Wheat Challah Recipe bahwa banyak orang Yahudi akan keluar masuk selama pelarian mereka. Ayah Charlie menghabiskan sekitar empat minggu di Buchenwald. Dia dibebaskan sedikit lebih awal dari orang lain karena dia adalah seorang perwira Jerman dalam Perang Dunia I. Charlie ingat dengan jelas ayahnya kembali dari Buchenwald Overtime Cook

2 slightly heaping Tablespoons Red Star Active Dry Yeast
1 Tablespoon Sugar
2 cups warm water, terbagi
4 teaspoons salt
1-1⅓ cups honey* (see note)
4 telur
⅔ cup oil
9 cangkir tepung gandum utuh, preferably white whole wheat
1 telur, lightly beaten, for egg wash
sesame seeds, for topping

Petunjuk arah:
1. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a dough hook, combine yeast, sugar, and ½ cup of warm water. Mix lightly to incorporate ingredients, then allow the mixture to sit for about 5 minutes until it starts bubbling.
2. Add remaining water, salt, honey, telur, and oil. Turn mixer to low and add the flour, about two cups at a time, until all flour has been added and a dough is formed.
3. Knead dough on medium-low for about ten minutes, then cover the dough and allow it to rise for about an hour and a half.
4. Preheat oven to 400.
5. Grease oval-shaped "challah" pans OR a baking sheet and set aside.
6. Divide dough into 5 portions for small challah, atau 3 portions for large challahs. Divide each portion into 3 atau 4 strands and braid into a loaf. Dough may be sticky, so use additional flour, as needed, to braid.
7. Place each loaf into a "challah" pan or on a baking sheet.
8. Brush the top of each challah with a beaten egg, then sprinkle sesame seeds over it.
9. Bake at 400 degrees for 5 menit, then lower the temperature to 350 and bake for an additional 30-40 menit, depending on the size of the challah.

Bahan Challah Terbaik Bubbie
(membuat satu roti)

1 paket ragi kering aktif
2 sendok makan gula
1 segelas air hangat
1/4 minyak cangkir
1/4 cangkir gula
2 telur
1/2 sendok makan garam
4 - 4 1/2 cangkir tepung (tepung serbaguna atau tepung roti)
1 telur (untuk menyikat di atas roti yang dikepang sebelum kita mengaturnya untuk naik)

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