19 Aug
Cocina bubbie #8217; s: Challah Bake HñetheAug 19 2021 07:00BÍ
CampamentoCookingNdui ar infancia (0-5)Mäs mahyoni (5-11)Nzaki judía

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Challah Bake on Zoom with Bubbie's Kitchen and Camp Twelve Trails!

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Ya mpädi mäs xi ingredientes Challah Bubbie
(Xí thogi 'nar 'nar thuhme)
1 paquete levadura seca activa
2 cucharadas t'axu̲t'afi
1 taza ar dehe tibia
1/4 asete taza
1/4 t'axu̲t'afi taza
2 huevos
1/2 cucharada sal
4 – 4 1/2 tazas harina (harina multiusos wa 'nar thuhme)
1 t'axi (pa cepillar ar maxo̲ts'e ya panes trenzados 'bu̲ 'be̲tho ga japi ya da te ar)

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