27 Dec
Camp Twelve Trails Winter Camp DesemberDec 27 2021 08:00saya - 05:30sore54 Jalan Nagle, Kota New York, BARU 10040, Amerika Serikat

Each day will be filled with fun camp style activities, termasuk ga-ga dan berbagai aktivitas olahraga di gym, Visual Arts, Theater, Bubbies Kitchen and more. Plus on the 28th, 29th and 30th, we will be going to the Riverdale Y for swimming.

DATES: The program will run Monday, December 27th through Thursday December 30th.
TIMES: Programming is provided from 8 saya - 5:30 pm each day.
FEES: For health reasons, the program will only be open to full week participants, and there are no refunds for missing days. The cost for the week is $380 for members, dan $420 for non members.
TRANSPORTATION: Pagi hanya pengantaran saja, however there will be bus drop off in the afternoon at no additional charge, bus stops are listed in the form below.


YM&YWHA dari Washington Heights & Di hutan, 54 Jalan Nagle, Kota New York, BARU 10040, Amerika Serikat

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