14 Nov
Fill the Fridge with PJ Library @ the Y NoviembreNov 14 2021 10:30AM - 11:30AM
Judía kuxtal
A family service project, including crafts, storytime, food packaging and a parade, to benefit the Fort Fridge. Geared to toddlers/preschoolers, with all families welcome. More details with R.S.V.P.
Biblioteca PJ provides free books that celebrate Jewish values and culture to families with children newborn to 8 Ja'abo'ob. Regístrese ti' le Biblioteca PJ utia'al u k'amik le siibal ánaalte'ob judíos Amal winali', ma' u tojol utia'al u láak'tsilo'ob, ti' ny.pjlibrary.org.
Le cha'ana' le páajtal óolal ti' Jaajal jump'éel subvención le Biblioteca PJ, jump'éel cha'ana' ti' le Béeychajal Harold Grinspoon.
Comunir u yéetel Mara Bragg yéetel je'el k'áat chi' wa utia'al unir u ti' le tsoolol correo electrónico utia'al futuros k'inbesajo'ob ti' mbragg@ywashhts.org.
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