1 okt
Uus emade rühm oktooberokt 01 2021 12:30pm - 01:30pm
Varajane lapsepõlv (0-5)

Come find your new parent community! New moms are invited to the Y's weekly group to share, ask, või lihtsalt kuulata, as we gather in a supportive and inclusive environment that honors each unique family.

This eight-week series is facilitated by Mara Bragg, Y algused vanematekeskuse juht, and Certified Lactation Counselor.

Julgustas sarjas osalemist, ja sisseastujad on teretulnud.

For local moms with newborns through six months, and expectant moms.

Osalemine ei maksa.

Suumi registreerimine allpool.