1 अक्टूबर
न्यू मॉम्स ग्रुप अक्टूबरअक्टूबर 01 2021 12:30बजे - 01:30बजे
बचपन (0-5)

Come find your new parent community! New moms are invited to the Y's weekly group to share, ask, या सिर्फ सुनो, as we gather in a supportive and inclusive environment that honors each unique family.

This eight-week series is facilitated by Mara Bragg, Y बिगिनर पेरेंटिंग सेंटर मैनेजर, and Certified Lactation Counselor.

श्रृंखला भागीदारी को प्रोत्साहित किया, और ड्रॉप-इन का स्वागत है.

For local moms with newborns through six months, and expectant moms.

There is no cost to attend.

Zoom registration below.

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